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I’ve been a little disappointed that my fellow Agnostics at seem somewhat reluctant to take advantage of my weekly blog site at Is it just because I misspelled Moses (Mosses) on my latest post at

Seriously, one reason given by another member was that my motive is based on a narcissistic desire to be recognized. Although untrue, I can see why others might see it that way. The truth is my only motive is to expand the Agnostic viewpoint on as many venues as possible. My blog includes an expanded audience in addition to the one at

Wouldn’t any of you be interested in seeing the agnostic viewpoints being shared with others outside our community?

I would gladly view blogs by other members and most likely respond by commenting on them on

I could understand reluctance if my blog site required personal information, log-in, or cost. It doesn’t. It’s a no- risk blog site. I have no idea who accesses it. I do get a daily tally of the number trying it out.

Had more of you been interested in checking it out, it would have shown up.

I must be missing something. I would appreciate sharing your reluctance to at least check it out. If there is no interest, it would be nice to know why. I’m willing to be trashed if that’s the way it turns out.

This week, I address the topic of Godly promoted miracles on

Raymond A. Hult

raymondahult 5 May 21

Enjoy being online again!

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You thought you were providing great opportunities for us all to participate in debates and discussions on the topics you like. You sound condescending.
You publish your thoughts on-line because you think they are interesting for others to read. You sound narcissistic.
And when not many people are interested in your blogs, you get disappointed and don't understand why they are not interested in your blogs.
It all sounds navel-gazing (self-indulgent) to me.
You make me perceive you this way, and if I've got you all wrong, changing your approach, as a blogger at least, would be worth considering.

Ryo1 Level 8 May 22, 2022

Ooo err.

Former stalwart republican
Ex John Birch Society member
Erstwhile devout christian congregation commander



I find nothing of interest in your blog. I find what you write to be light weight. This site encourages conversation between its members. Your blog does not. See also @Julie808's comment.

Could you specifically pinpoint what part of my current blog on miracles wasn't interesting enough to grab your attention. You don't think organized region's reliance on unprovable miracles is an interesting topic to discuss? What kind of stuff does interest you.? I might be willing to concentrate more on that.


Here is how I feel: When someone starts out with an insult, I'm not too keen making the effort to look into what else the person has to say.

I enjoy this particular site because I like THIS community and don't feel a desire to seek out an expanded audience, especially if it might involve conflict. I've got plenty of places to go for that.

My feeling is that if you have ideas to bounce off agnostics -- and you want to know what THIS community thinks about them - then post those ideas here for the feedback you are seeking. Don't ask us to go to the effort to seek out a totally separate website and berate us if we don't. Not everyone likes to be abused, criticized and insulted.

You asked why people haven't flocked to your website/blog, so that is my honest answer. Besides, I'm lazy... I rarely click links from this site to other sources

I could repost them as post on this site, but why go to the trouble when all it takes is 2 seconds to click onto my site. by the way I have posted several posts on I don't understand your concern but appreciate your reply. Thanks for taking the time. If you're indicating I started out with an insult, I apologize as that wasn't my intention.


pitiful. lost puppy.

Terrific reply. I have to respect your ability to intelligently respond to a simple question. Have a nice day.


In the spirit of constructive feedback ( as opposed to trashing out ) the reason I haven’t visited your blog is twofold.

The first is superficial and emotional on my part. It’s just off-putting for someone to drop in and try to pull members away to another site, without having invested time in getting acquainted with this site first. It is just too reminiscent of what scammers do for less noble purposes.

The second is more substantive. I could overcome my personal prejudices about etiquette if your teasers showed some promise that when I arrive at your blog I would find something I haven’t encountered a thousand times elsewhere, considered thoroughly already, and dismissed as not particularly well-developed thought… but they just don’t.

I acknowledge that my impression could be wrong, but the way to change that impression is to spend more time engaging discussions here in a way that generates interest in your ideas, rather than repeatedly begging for our time and attention.

You asked, so…
Style and substance.
Both missing.

Best regards.

skado Level 9 May 21, 2022

You misunderstood me if you think I was trying to pull members away. Quite the opposite. I was just attempting to share with members my blog containing agnostic related topics in addition to those on I have to question your contention you have encountered the same thousands of times elsewhere. Prove me wrong with sharing such similarities with my current blog on miracles. I consider it a unique perspective on the topic. Prove me wrong instead of generalizing an overblown claim of thousands similar posts. Specifically, detail what you thought was not well-developed thought. I won't be offended. that should be the purpose of a site like this.

You ask for feedback, then ignore it. I won’t waste my time giving any more.

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