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LINK GOP Sen. Kevin Cramer: 'Most' Would Vote Him Out If He Backed Gun Control

After 19 children and two teachers were killed this week at Robb Elementary School in Texas, Democrats have called on their Republican colleagues to help them pass some kind of sensible gun control measure.

While Democratic lawmakers — most prominently Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut — have pleaded with Republicans to pass measures supported by the majority of Americans, such as universal background checks, Republicans have signaled an unwillingness to do so.

When asked this week if he could get behind any bipartisan gun control legislation, GOP Sen. Kevin Cramer — a former House member who defeated pro-gun Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp in 2018 — told The New York Times that he would suffer at the polls if he did so.

snytiger6 9 May 29

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Reading this post makes me glad I'm a Democrat and not a gun happy repub.

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