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Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

Anyone familiar with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson? Thoughts?

patchoullijulie 8 Apr 26

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I like his Nietzsche lectures.


I just read about this guy for about two hours and all I can do is take a comment from Mr Spock: "Fascinating, Dr." Since I'm older than he is, I experienced the post WWII 1950s in the US with its fears of Communism, the 1960s youth revolution and summer of love, 70s equal and civil rights efforts,etc,etc. Seems like a lot of stuff he doesn't get or just plucks something out of the sky to talk about.


I'm not really sure about him, he seems to be provocative just for the sake of It.For a master debater he couldn't handle a tough interview on cbc about his views on gender, not to mention the time he started a web site devoted to undermining other faculty members at the university of Toronto. He just strikes me as angry old white guy,

soa Level 4 Apr 26, 2018

I am familiar and getting more so. Currently reading 12 Rules for Life with mixed response. He doesn't mind trampling sacred cows but I do think he is generally contributing to a synthesis of thought, and I respect him for that. In particular, his views on religion are pretty much unassailable from a scientific perspective, and I think we need more of that kind of thinking.

skado Level 9 Apr 26, 2018

What?!?! I will admit that when I saw him speak about religion on Rogan's show it seemed interesting at the time, and I find him interesting on most other topics. But I've watched every video I could find with him on religion, and he has backtracked from some earlier statements which were positive about Atheism, and is now extremely evasive to the point of being practically meaningless on the subject of religion. Here is one example of many:

@Rossy92 I don't know, exactly, why Peterson is so dopey in that particular video. I saw it back a while ago before the kid added the smart-alecky remarks over it, and added my own smart-alecky remarks of a similar nature. 🙂 . I'm guessing he has found an audience of young, conservative males who are lost and perhaps on the verge of becoming shooters, and Peterson doesn't want to alienate them by admitting outright that he is an atheist, before trying to influence them for the better. They are also dumping tons of pocket change into his Patreon account, so there's that. We're all hoomahn I guess.

It's pretty clear to me that Peterson doesn't believe in a literal god, but what's more important is that he does understand the importance of, and inevitability of, the metaphorical god, and is trying, against all odds, to stitch back together the rip in our social fabric caused by literalism and fundamentalism. His lecture series called "Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of God"

is ample evidence that the man is brilliant, deeply educated, and nobody's fool. It's human nature, I suppose, to try to cast every controversial public figure as some kind of god or devil, but Peterson is just an ordinary screwed up human doing the best he knows how, and every once in a while, getting it remarkably right.

@skado I think you have very insightfully nailed it. He is probably well meaning, if frustratingly dishonest, and understandably has apprehensions about all of society chucking the invisible babysitter/policeman. Stefan Molyneux takes a similar stance, but is a bit more transparent about it, asserting that it might be dangerous if the less intelligent and less moral among us abandoned God. That doesn't bode well for openly Atheist politicians being elected, and is one more compelling reason to perhaps not openly identify with the "A" word in favor of Humanist or Agnostic etc., though personally I have stopped identifying with the latter term. What is truly unfortunate is that the creators of the Bible couldn't have got it a little less wrong. If only Deuteronomy, Exodus, Leviticus, etc, could have been excised from the canon...

Yes, good insights there, @Rossy92 . I think we see it similarly. Your last sentence reminds me of the sailboat name I picked out if I am ever so fortunate to own another one... "Loose Canon" 🙂 We may just have to learn to live under a loose canon.


Another in the unending stream of B-list philosophers and pundits (Reza Aslan, Deepak Chopra, Sam Harris et al) who make a living appearing on talk shows and promoting their books. A prolix lightweight with a soothing manner who offers for monetary gain and an evanescent notoriety a pabulum of pre-digested and incoherent platitudes and prejudices to bolster the self-esteem of a gullible public.

No No please don't hold back. Tell me how you really feel! Comments duly noted. 🙂

@patchoullijulie Oh dear, were my meds wearing off?

@Gareth Its cool......all thoughts were requested. I seem to have received a pretty broad spectrum of opinions on the man.


He's a very good manipulator. I'm actually impressed in a bad way.

Manipulation might be the key word with him. He really does use clarification quite well and often. I think that I too may be impressed in a bad way.


I watched him Friday night on Bill Maher's show.
I agreed with some of what he had to say.
People do not have the right not to be offended. They should expect it, and learn to
live with it.
Being offended is a product of thinking and free speech.
That he is a christian does, in fact, diminish him in my eyes.
I have a hard time respecting anyone who deliberately chooses to be delusional.

What TheInterlooper said.

@TheInterlooper I've been doing more reading about him since I first replied to the original post.
I've definitely refined my opinion on him, and in a negative way.
He's just another manipulator. He's an extremely intelligent manipulator, but a manipulator nonetheless.


“All right, I gotta get back to wor...” Jordan B. Peterson “Ah, shit. Here we go...”

I’m not with the empowerment of many myopic and parochial right wing thoughts (and note I’m not calling him right wing), and I think that, as a whole, the Democratic Party is more pro science and pro a whole. Democrats seem to understand the importance of social infrastructure to individual behavior quite a bit more, again as a whole. So the Republican Party has a lot of catching up to do in knowledge before I’d consider voting for one (or the Democratic Party would have to take some leaps back, which they may just be determined to do) and Jordan Peterson gives many of their bad ideas validation. Choosing Trump over Hilary even impulsively is too much for me. I also don’t agree with his views on the transgendered community.

That being said, he had a lot to say about stories, specifically religious ones, and how they play a role in developing our understanding of the world today. He’s clearly a seasoned practioner of clinic psychology. He’s given me a lot of insight into both human morality and values in relation to action and the importance of my own thought to my behavior. I give him a solid C.

Very rough and quick type up of my thoughts. Don’t hold me to them all.

He originally came across my radar as someone who upholds the right wing's idea's so I dismissed him on that basis but I was curious enough about him to explore him further and I agree I think he has a lot of really interesting options on how to look and live life.

@patchoullijulie Same here. I was leery of him at first, and I had a friend whom I trust a lot whose own interest in him kept me listening, and yeah, there isn’t nothing there to what he says and his reputation, I’ll say that.

He actually responded to a comment of mine one time because I accused him of appealing to morality with his views on truth. He told me to read Maps of Meaning and then accuse him of that. I told him I would...I still haven’t. I’ve listened to parts, but I do hope to give that book a shot one day. Still seems like it to me though.

@Honestape While listening to him talk about gender equality, he mentioned hierarchies and I found myself wishing that I could have an actual conversation with him so that I could question/challenge him on one of his points. I am a little jealous that you were able to communicate with him. I havn't heard of the Maps of Meaning..I will check it out.

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