Rep. Liz Cheney on Wednesday slammed MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, accusing him of "lunacy" over his latest comments on the integrity of election results in Wyoming.
Cheney tweeted an article where Lindell was being interviewed by the Cowboy State Daily at a Trump rally in Casper, Wyoming, on Saturday. Speaking to the news outlet, Lindell once again baselessly claimed that votes were stolen from the former president.
Lindell suggested that he "has more information than anyone in the world" about the presence of "an algorithm that went nationwide, from Hawaii to Alaska to California to New York island." In addition, the pillow CEO suggested that any politician who denied his claims was a "traitor."
"Any politician says that — 100% traitor," he said. "Wyoming had 20-some thousand votes stolen in the presidential election. That's almost 10% of your [total cast] votes in Wyoming. Everything was taken."
Liz Cheney will soon be out of a job as she’s way behind her primary opponent.
If true, I guess she is too responsible and ethical for today's republicans.
I don't agree with a lot of her views, but I do respect her for her consistency and for her ethics, and willingness to hold others accountable for their actions.
@Trajan61 It might surprise you, but I was originally a republican. However, I did not care for the changes the party was making in its priorities, and I also became better educated as I got older.
However, I was raised to be a racist religious conservative, and as I lost the religion and racism, the republican party no longer was a good fit for me. I also same to see that so called "trickle down" never actually trickled down, be only benefited the rich.
The only thing that ever tickled down to the average American was the tax burden. Republicans cut taxes for the rich, so thFederal government had less money, so they cut money going to state and local governments, so now they have less money and in turn they rraise local taxes and fees for government services, to make up the difference and so average American end up paying for the tax cuts for the rich. Trickle down economics has always just been a big con to transfer to tax burden from the rich onto average Americans. Even the Trump tax cuts ended up raising taxes for as many average Americans as it lowered taxes for, while it cut taxes for EVERY rich person. The Trump tax cuts was more of a shell game distraction type of con.
Anyway, republicans base all their values in self interest and selfishness and a culture of greed. The end of every great civilization in all of recorded history, and also in archeological history, was marked by a surge in a culture of greed. So, if republicans win, then the U,S. declines and wanes.
@snytiger6 I used to be a democrat but as I got more education, older and wiser I realize the Democraps are the party of higher taxes more regulations and use race to further their radical racist agenda. . They put judges on the bench who don’t even believe the 2nd amendment gives private citizens the right to have arms. They want to defund the police and BLM whom they fully support engages in destructive riots destroying millions in property over criminals who were killed because they weren’t cooperating with police. There radical green new deal is doing grave damage to the US economy and will do even more if it isn’t reversed. Their reckless spending is causing runaway inflation, the worse we’ve had since that idiot Jimmy Carter the only democrap president I ever voted for. I’m done with the crazy democraps as are a lot of other people and I’m hoping they are beat badly in the 2022 and again in 2024. If it doesn’t happen I think we are well on our way to becoming a third world country.
@Trajan61 Just wondering. How is working for equal rights for everybody regardlyss of racial or ethnic background a "radical racial agenda"?
I did point out that "republican tax cuts" are in fact just a transfer of the tax burden from the rich onto average Americans.
I have head the rhetoric about how democrats "tax and spend" for all of my life. However, if you look at the facts, it is republicans who have increased spending and deficits more so than democrats. In fact under Clinton, the budget ran a surplus for his last two years and Obama cut the deficits he inherited from Bush by two thirds. Republicans spend, but do so with borrowed money increasing deficits. Democrats may tax add taxes, but that is responsible spending, as they aren't as willing to kick the can down the road forcing future generations to pay for money spent today.
I have posted several articles on this site about how far right and white supremacists group infiltrate BLM and ANTIFA protests as provocateurs start violence in order to make the protesting group look bad. Very little of the violence was committed by the actual BLM or Antifa group members.
If you ever did get educated, it was a very poor education.
@Trajan61 Almost all economists say it takes about two years for the results of political actions to affect the economy. So, who was president two years ago?
It has long been established that who is in charge politically and gas prices have no actual correlation.
Persons who are educated and keep informed from unbiased sources are aware of these things.
@Trajan61 I am aware that the Keystone XL pipeline would have moved tar sands oil, the most corrosive oil there is across the U.S., because Canada refused to build their own pipeline to a coast due to environmental risks of oil spills and leaks due to the toxic nature of the oil. I am also aware that none of the oil beign transported through the pipeline was for American use. It was all for export, because the oil was/is too toxic to use for products in the U.S.
Those few parts of the pipeline where tar sands oil has been transported has leaked and cause a lot fo environmental damage and in a few cases has ruined the local ground water.
So, basically the U.S. would be taking all the environmental risks to transport the most toxic oil there is which was not ever intended for U.S. use, just so a very select few people could make lots of money, which would be dwarfed by environmental disaster costs which would be paid for by the tax payers. Not to mention all the land and groundwater which would be poisoned and rendered unusable.
The XL pipeline is a prime example of the concept of "just because we can doesn't mean we should." It just isn't worth what it would cost us over the long term.
A large portion of the current increase in gasoline prices is that oil companies are taking advantage of the supply chain problems from the pandemic and are deliberately slow on increasing production back to prepandemic levels again specifically in order to drive up prices and increase profits. I myself think they are beign short sighted, as many more people buying new cars will now be more likely to buy electric vehicles.
@snytiger6 The Keystone pipeline was intended to take oil from the Canadian tar sands to US Refiners as Canada didn’t have the the refining capascity. It would definitely be better to buy Canadian oil than to buy it from our enemies like Russia, Iran or Venezuela And it would have been available for the American consumer.
@Trajan61 If it were intended for American consumption, you might have a point. As I stated earlier, the tar sands oil is too toxic for made for American consumption. Not all oil is the same. Even the oil from Alaska contains too much sulfur, among other chemicals for American consumption.
It would be better to just greatly reduce U.S. oil consumption in America to the point to where we no longer need to import oil from any other country. Then we'd have no more wars for oil, we would slow down the pace of climate changes and we would not be buying oil from and supporting rogue countries.