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LINK Rob Rogers -- 5/3/2022

RichCC 8 June 4

Enjoy being online again!

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So are you purposing to confiscate millions of guns?

I'm not purposing anything.

I am proposing to start the gun fondler culture headed away from being too afraid to live without their security fetishes. Guns are a tool without any constructive purpose -- they only destroy.

@RichCC I’m not afraid as I’m well armed. If it wasn’t for the gun the biggest and the strongest criminal thug would always be able to steal beat and rob the weak.

Ha, ha. I outgrew guns as a teenager and I've lived since then in 6 American cities and several rural towns (just counting from memory).
I've never had to deal one of those 'criminal thugs' that you're protecting yourself from. And it sounds like you haven't either.

I'm glad your fetish helps you. I hope you never hurt yourself or anyone else.


Funny stuff

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