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LINK Trump Air Force One Paint Job Could Overheat Planes: Report

A redecoration of Air Force One ordered by former President Donald Trump could contribute to excessive heating on the planes, sources told Politico.

Trump in 2019 unveiled the color scheme for two new Air Force One fleet jets being converted by Boeing, changing the baby blue on the underside of the jet to a dark-blue-and-red design, which he said was more patriotic.

It was the first major redecoration of the president's fleet of planes since John F. Kennedy's presidency.

snytiger6 9 June 9

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Clearly that was a waste of tax payers money.


Didn't they also remodel Jackie Kennedy's Rose Garden?

They pretty much tore it out and replaced it with something else... nowhere near as nice or beautiful.


Then, no joke, there's hope for a crash if he becomes Dictator.

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