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These congressional hearings have been a watershed in good oversight, and caused many to flee the sinking USS Trump. The author advocates for the death of a thousand cuts, and while that is adequate, it's gratifying to see how many have thrown Hair Furor under the bus:

alliwant 7 June 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Whenever someone like Trump is trying to establish a cult following, they must change the morality of their targets ideology. They must get them to compromise any conflicting morals they might have in order to accept the "morality" they are trying to impose on them.

For example:
Racism is okay as long as it is not directed against their race.
If they do it, it's okay, if someone else does it, it is wrong or evil.
They are never wrong, but they are victims.
They have insight and authority that others do not.

It is a old cult trick that fascists have used for years taken from religion itself.

This notorious Catholic understood this concept:

"FOR HOW SHALL WE FILL PEOPLE WITH BLIND FAITH in the correctness of a doctrine, if we ourselves spread uncertainty and doubt by constant changes in its outward structure? Here, too, we can learn by the example of the Catholic Church. Though its doctrinal edifice, and in part quite superfluously, COMES INTO COLLISION WITH EXACT SCIENCE AND RESEARCH, it is none the less unwilling to sacrifice so much as one little syllable of its dogmas - IT IS ONLY SUCH DOGMAS WHICH LEND TO THE WHOLE BODY THE CHARACTER OF A FAITH." [Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf" Vol. 2 Chapter 5]

"I have followed [the Church] in giving our party program the character of unalterable finality, like the Creed. The Church has never allowed the Creed to be interfered with. It is fifteen hundred years since it was formulated, but every suggestion for its amendment, every logical criticism, or attack on it, has been rejected. The Church has realized that ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING can be built up on a document of that sort, no matter how contradictory or irreconcilable with it. THE FAITHFUL WILL SWALLOW IT WHOLE, SO LONG AS LOGICAL REASONING IS NEVER ALLOWED TO BE BROUGHT TO BEAR ON IT" [Adolf Hitler, from Rauschning, The Voice of Destruction, pp. 239-40]

This is why Trump and his cohorts refuse to admit that the 2020 election was valid, and that Biden won the election. They are pushing the lie no matter how much evidence is against them. And as Hitler stated: "THE FAITHFUL WILL SWALLOW IT WHOLE, SO LONG AS LOGICAL REASONING IS NEVER ALLOWED TO BE BROUGHT TO BEAR ON IT"


Interesting stuff, but not sure it's changing many minds. Trump and his supporters ACTUALLY BELIEVE the election was stolen, but belief without evidence is what people do best. The Trumpers think it was a failed effort to protect democracy! People believe what they want to believe, left and right.

Maybe some of the rubes believe it, but Hair Furor does not. He just wants to seize power like the Toddler In Chief; Donnie wants, Donnie takes. A toddler with fangs.

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