3 5

After reading this I'm amazed that I was even able to understand it.
I'm short, bottle fed, right handed and definitely not thin.


Lorajay 9 June 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm left handed, and a Cornell alumni, however I think the noted studies are not very scientific.


My conclusion from this article is that most social scientists, have far too much time on their hands and need to get a life or at least to get laid


Well, I'm ambidextrous, below average height, scrawny, breast-fed, drink small amounts of alcohol - usually red wine with a meal, smoked the odd joint in my youth but no longer and love the "humour of the intellectually ridiculous". I am also an Asperger's type autistic who loves talking.
Now fit me into a "pigeon hole"!

Petter Level 9 June 27, 2022
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