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LINK Clarence Thomas Repeats Claims About COVID Vaccines Using Cells From 'Aborted Children'

SCOTUS declined Thursday to take up a challenge to New York's vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.

In his dissenting opinion, Justice Thomas repeated misleading claims that vaccines were developed using cells of "aborted children."

The cell lines were derived from elective abortions performed decades ago and used in testing and developing the vaccine.

snytiger6 9 July 1

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Typical repub. Distorting the facts for his own cause or kissing Trumps ass.


Shouldn't this, (and his wife's collusion in an insurrection ) be enough to remove this guy for incompetence ?

Leetx Level 7 July 1, 2022

He could be impeached for not recusing himself for cases in which his wife had an interest. That was a problem long before the hearings for the Jan. 6th insurrection.


That piece of shit wrote that nonsense into an opinion on the high court? UnFuckingBelievable!

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