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LINK The 'Pink and Blue Brain' Myth

Is it possible to be born "in the wrong body"?
A lot of people would agree, and their explanation is quite straightforward and convincing : there are male und female bodies, and there are male and female brains. These two sides match (= cis), or they do not match (= trans). They often cite studies that show that indeed there are differences in the brain of so-called transgender people reagrding their natal sex.

But if we take a closer look, this argument does not hold water.
The reason why it is flawed is the same as the argument why there are no races.

All educated people know that there is no biological basis for different human races. There are some small differences between them, but the overlap is huge, and the variation within a given "race" is much bigger than the variation between races. Hence the conclusion: there are no human races in biology. What we call races are social constructs based on some small unimportant differences like skin-color.

The same applies to the issue of male vs female brains: there are some small differences, but the overlap is huge and the variation within male /female brains is bigger than between male and female brains.
Conclusion: Just as it does not makes sense to talk about a white or black race (viewed through the lense of biology), there is no such thing as a typical male or typical female brain.
Therefore from a scientific perspective it's not possible to say something like "a trans woman is when a female brain is born in a male body" - this is all the more true as those small differences between the brains can only be detected after puberty, which makes it even more nonsensical to say that X was born with the 'wrong brain' in his or her body.

Matias 8 July 7

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