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How do you handle religious friends and family?

I think the best thing about this platform is that I can speak my mind without alienating anyone, because I am SURROUNDED by religious friends and family. Oh the heartfelt "Come back to Jesus..." messages I have received...

Foxonaut 5 Dec 5

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Well it depends on family and how big of a cat fight you want.
Most of my friends and family know im an atheist and proud if it.
You may lose some if you fight with them but if they want a honest discussion of you view it ok. When they start to.preach then it time to stop the discussion or tell them the problems with there so called holy book. Truth me most have no idea what in there book.
Hope this helps


Ohh the usual family stuff i suppose, get into religious arguments, stir the crap out of each other over our beliefs. Hey it's family, they kinda come first.

Family is important but when try cross the line it a done deal. If they can't support you in you non believe they arent really family. Family doesnt alway have to be blood related you can have friends that treat you like family


Its all ralitive sometimes. As long as you know who you are.


I behave as myself. If religion comes up I will debate it in a manner that does not accuse or evaluate their position but that expresses my view and why I believe as such. Trying to convert does not work and goes against my desire to be converted.


family, just to avoid any conflict, i just pretend I agree LOL...I was very religious, so I know the bible better than a lot of people.
friends... i try to avoid the conversation.
I am not trying to "convert" anyone. so to me peace is better than confrontation.


I guess this is one of the benefits to having a mostly estranged family. I am mostly open with my beliefs. I have one cousin and his family who are SUPER religious. My other cousins (actually my God Parents) and their children, are religious. But not "in your face religious." Basically the only contact I have with any of these family members is through Facebook. So I guess in a way that's blessing. I have mostly cut off contact with the first cousin, as the "you need to be saved" comments were a bit too much.

Oh goodness, don’t even get me started on those,” you need to be saved.” Those comments drive me nuts. Saved from what? Saved from the insanity of your belief system?


I come from a progressive, open-minded family, so I don't have that problem. I have friends who belong to various religions, mostly Christian and Jewish, but they have no interest in trying to convert me. We respect each other's choices. Occasionally I've been in a situation where I have to deal with someone who is a devout Christian, and I can't get away from them fast enough! I'm not the most patient or tolerant person, and when anyone is sanctimonious enough to spout religious rubbish I let them know that I'm an Atheist and that I've had it up to here with right-wing fundamental religious behavior, especially the poisonous hypocrisy. That generally shuts them up pretty quickly. Of course they think I'm Satan's spawn, but that's fine with me!

I actually had a woman say to me,” I don’t want to talk to you until you give your life to the Lord.” I responded to her by saying,” I don’t want to talk to you until you can start acting like an real adult in the real world.”


I am vocal. It hasn't worked out to well.



Just smile and nod.


Most of the people I am surrounded by are Satanists of some sort, if they aren't nihilists or atheists...which is a fun topic of discussion, but still has some of those 'can't wait to go to hell' concepts are just does that work again?


My mother was religious, and lived what I consider to be a christian life. We had some discussions, and agreed to disagree. All the rest are red neck fundamentalists. Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, plus you know the rest. I don't go near them. My wife and kids are pretty much atheists, as are most of our friends. Living the good life without religion.


I have banned religious speak when it comes to my mother. She used to try and convert me every time I saw her. I finally told her, " Look, I wouldn't hang out with you if you weren't my mom. So if you want to give me a motivation to stick around, stop talking about God" For the record, I don't think that's the ideal solution. But it seems to be the only one that would work with my family.


I avoid them at all costs.


Short answer: I basically don't.

Long answer: I avoid anything even remotely pertaining to the topic when talking with them, and hope they don't bring anything like that up. If they do, I typically am just frank and blunt about it.


I don't know at one point they just stopped talking and tried using possessive tactics to try and make me feel insecure and say jesus 666 times but none of it makes sence to me


I give them a lot of space to be themselves in the hopes that they will do the same for me. Doesn't always work though.


By avoiding the subject when together.

Mutual respect.


Just let them be! An Eagle cannot be a minnow, a bear cannot be a parrot. The more that I am around people, the less I try to "handle" them or their behaviors. Just live and let be...

Too bad so many of THEM try to manipulate the rest of US. I detest religion and all that goes with it.

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