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Jim Jordan Humiliated

nogod4me 8 July 16

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horse shit:::: there was no evidence she existed.... The police and social services LIED....

This was all about hiding the illegals from discovery.

We still do not know if the women is the mother of the girl she let get raped by her live in man...

Everyone fucked up this child......... She did NOT have to cross state lines to get an abortion....

That part of the story is TOTAL BULLSHIT...... NO ONE CARED ABOUT THE CHILD....


JacarC Level 8 July 17, 2022

You don't know what you're talking about.

First you state the girl doesn't exist. Then you state all manner of nonsense about the nonexistent girl.

It is all over the news. You need to stop listening to right-wing hack news outlets.

This is from Snopes: "We reported extensively on the case of the 10-year-old girl, whose identity was not revealed due to her age:

After the story went viral, various media personalities and social media commenters questioned whether the story was real. On July 13, 2022, The Columbus Dispatch, however, reported that a man accused of impregnating the child had been arrested. Gerson Fuentes, 27, was arrested and charged with rape, according to that newspaper. He said he raped the child on “at least two occasions,” and Columbus Police Det. Jeffrey Huhn confirmed that that child indeed had an abortion in Indianapolis on June 30.

Court records in Franklin County, Ohio, indicate Fuentes was arraigned on July 13 on charges of raping a child under the age of 13, a felony, and is being held on $2 million bond at Franklin County Correctional Center in Columbus, Ohio. He is due back in court for a preliminary hearing on July 22, 2022.

The Associated Press published the reason why the 10-year-old girl had to go over state lines to Indiana in order to receive the abortion:

An Indianapolis physician who provides abortion services, Dr. Caitlin Bernard, had told The Indianapolis Star that an abortion had been provided for such a child because the girl couldn’t get the procedure in Ohio under a newly imposed state ban on abortions at the first detectable “fetal heartbeat.”

A judge lifted a stay on the ban after the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade."




I think this is his job, that is to make a fool of himself. Why else would he do this?

He responded like that because all the OHIO authorities lied about her existence Stop believing those who only want you to vote stupid.


Jim (I don't see pedophilia) Jordan..Drumpies fav ball cleaner..

Ha ha ha...... Learn more before you believe the political bullshit.

@JacarC mind your own Trumpy bullshit fascist..

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