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LINK GOP Lawyers Reviewed Voter Fraud Lawsuits and Concluded There Was None

A group of GOP lawyers, former senators, and judges, after a review of dozens of legal filings, determined that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

The findings were released in a 72-page report Thursday. The authors of the report include former US Sens. John Danforth and Gordon Smith, three former federal judges, and a GOP election lawyer.

After the results of the 2020 presidential election, the Trump campaign and supporters of the former president filed dozens of lawsuits alleging voter fraud, most of which have been denied, dismissed, or withdrawn. ...

snytiger6 9 July 17

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Now if Trump and company will shut the fuck up about it, I really would be happy.


It's nice to know SOME (former) Republicans have a trace of common sense and truthfulness, but it won't matter in November. The new crop only uses the claim as an excuse for rigging elections anyway. The TRUTH of the claims is irrelevant and always has been.


I feel this needs to be the end of legal or logical attempts to end the question of voter fraud. Dems simply need to stop engaging the question beyond citing the report or we continue to feed it.

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