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Dali, 1932

Like most surreal paintings, the title and the artwork are hard to reconcile

TheMiddleWay 8 July 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Looking at this picture for a long time, you can find a few ideas. I'm more in favor of TheMiddleWay's opinion. It's the kind of work that makes you think. I think that everyone who looks at it will see something new, different from the opinion of the previous observer. I love looking at creative works like this. At first glance, finding any meaning or intent in them is hard. But if you look longer, you can make up a storyline. Art people, in general, are hard to understand. I like to look at interesting creative works. Sometimes I visit exhibitions and buy the paintings I like. At, you can also find a lot of interesting creative works.


What do you think the painting conveys?


**** Agnostic symbol, I may not understand his work but I like it. His politics on the other hand not so much.

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