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Not to be morbid, but I'm curious about how other atheists/agnostics plan for "The end." I guess it's on my mind since my husband died a year ago this week. He had arranged in advance for whole body donation (as have I). I held a "celebration of his life" get-together with family and friends and it was a nice remembrance. He obviously did not want any kind of religious service, although I was worried his family (mostly Catholic) would push for one.

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I want to donate my remains to a body farm. That way, I can decompose and return to the soil as nature intended, and forensic scientists can learn from me. A win-win if ever there was one.


I think that is what a lot of us would like. We don't feel that there is anything beyond this life so we might as well make as much of it as we can, including making our bodies useful to others once we have finished with them. My only personal concern is being allowed to die when I am ready to go, and not forced to stay alive longer than I want. I wish there was a way to dispose of bodies cheaply and easily. My father said to just put his body in a binbag and let the binmen take it away, but of course it wasn't allowed and it cost a fortune in the end.


Being a funeral director and embalmer/funeral home owner, Death is one of my favorite subjects. Cremation for me, having my ashes mixed with my pre deceased pets. and taken on many "walks" to spread us here and there.

I have been reading about some new options in other countries. I love the idea of having my dead body put into a 'pod' of sorts that provides food for a tree and can be planted. then a field of 'people' would be a forest for friends/family to walk through (if they wanted) or just to provide something back to the earth.


@SACatWalker sounds good doesn't it? I keep a little bag of my dog's ashes (he died in 1997!) and sprinkle a little here and there, like where we might go for a walk if he was alive. I also have some of his ashes in a starfish pendant I wear.


I will be cremated and have my ashes spread at my favorite place. There will be a party and there had better be a lot of fun. No matter when I die, the ashes being spread and the party will happen in early summer. There will be clergy there oddly enough. One in particular may even say a few words at some point. He and I can talk calmly about what we really think and our differences. It's entertaining. Anyway, That's how I want it to go down. If it doesn't go down that way, I'll be dead and won't know/care.


I plan to be having sex when I die. It's hard to know exactly when I'll kick the bucket so I try to have sex as often as possible just to have a higher chance of checking that off of my bucket list.

thats a great plan!


I'm trying to convince my family members to have our ashes turned into diamonds and mounted in a tiara. Passed down through the generations growing ever more ridiculous and gawdy

I find that both amusing and interesting.


I talked to my family about this the other night, when they were all here for dinner. I told them they could throw me out with the trash, or bury me in the yard if they wanted to. But seriously, I figured cremation was the cheap way to go, and do whatever you feel like with my ashes. And have a party instead of a "service."


I will live until that last gasp for air comes empty and too late, no planning... I want to be surprised.


I'm being cremated and sprinkled under a couple of willow trees I planted about 10 years ago down a river I played at as a child. no service or anything.


For my part, I have donated my body to the University medical school, and when they are thru slicing and dicing, they cremate the scraps and then I will be buried with my wife's ashes, which are on my closet shelf waiting for me...


Cremation-direct. No embalming, viewing, funeral. If my kids want, a memorial service in a NON-religious setting.


Assisted suicide & cremate

Emme Level 7 Apr 27, 2018

My state does not allow for "death with dignity" yet. I'm hoping it becomes a national right.

Canada my dear, doctor assisted?

@Emme yup, its the way to "go" lol,, but yes I'm glad we have the option, and I'll use it if the need arises.

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