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LMAO ROFL Uri Geller threatens Putin with

@Alienbeing & his ilk.

Go boy go!

Spoon-bending ‘spy psychic’ issues warning to Putin []

FrayedBear 9 Aug 4

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Uri Gellar has been debunked as a simple magician for almost for almost 50 years and is still pulling this shit?

He is not even being original this is basically the plot of Whitley Strieber's 1983 novel Black Magic, where the US government is attacked physically by Russian telepathy to prevent WW3


If Scotland wins independence and closes down the submarine bases. Will Uri Geller still protect Scotland then?


Yeah. Move the bases to Sweden.

@FrayedBear There’s some discussion as to whether England actually has suitable alternative deep water ports for the subs.

@Zealandia Scapa Flow was traditionally a deep port I think. They should do like the Chinese & build a new island. . . Or simply abandon such spending.

@FrayedBear Or move them to Australia, to be berthed alongside the flash ones planned to be built under the Aukus deal.

Thankfully Jacinda Ardern made it clear that the subs aren’t welcome in NZ territorial waters.

@Zealandia if the Lieberals get in power again they will probably allow it or buy the things giving the Poms 100% profit!

@FrayedBear Article for you to read about lost nuke bombs….


@Zealandia mere bagatelles compared to the quantity of depleted uranium spread around various countries thanks to US atrocity.

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