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Why are we here?

Having always wondered about the purpose and meaning of life, I'd like to find out what another person's take is on the reason we are here on earth. I believe we each have a purpose, although many of us have not yet found that purpose.

Winifred 3 Dec 6

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Purpose, I’m afraid, is really restricted to human action. Outside of that, purpose is meaningless


Why are we here? Silly question. To enjoy the experience of life...what else?!


The idea that we have a purpose implies that there is something/someone controlling or at least influencing our lives in some way. I don't understand how that view is compatible with atheism. I don't believe there's any "higher power" with a plan for my life. My purpose is what I make it.


Space dust collided just perfectly. Dumb luck.


God put us here to find out that god doesn't exist.


We are here because complex chemical reactions created the first self-replicating, single-celled organism.

Through the process of darwinian natural selection, we slowly evolved into the incomprehensibly complex creatures that we are today.

Our purpose is the same as the first forms of life. Survive long enough to reproduce and pass on your genes to the next generation.

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