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LINK Liz Cheney's Jan. 6 awakening does not absolve her Trump-supporting past

Cheney did not have a direct hand in organizing Trump's insurrection, but she was complicit in many of the norms that allowed Trump to believe he was entitled to attempt it, and in helping to form the kind of party that refuses to hold him accountable for it.

redbai 8 Aug 20

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Because of course You never changed your mind, or got educated about anything?
Better late than never IMO.

In what way except being on the Jan 6 committee has she demonstrated in any way that she's changed? Sitting on that committee doesn't define a change it defines an opportunity. Her intent is to ride this to the Republican nomination in 2024.

She voted for Trump policies over 90% of the time, she anti-abortion and bought into and used the racist birtherism trope to mitigate the Obama Administration. So instead of claiming she's changed please define the change she's made.

@TheInterlooper What does that have to do with whether or not Cheney has changed in any significant manner?

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