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To which political stance do you most affiliate yourself with?

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DiegoS 4 Oct 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I should be noted that "liberal" and "conservative" do not mean the same thing in all countries, and not even all English speaking countries. As this site is global, not just in the U.S., the results may not mean the same thing in different prts of the world.


Interesting to see many people identity as either liberal or independent. I lean to the political left and not a member of any party.


we are a messed up bunch of ants on a rock and have left money as the last belief to hold on to. I vote as a protest every time except last election where I voted Liberal to get the pot laws changed


Are you able to add more options? If so, would you add democratic socialist?


Hail hydra.


im such a libtard


well technically I'm progressive.


Thought I was a liberal or democrat, but they seem to have moved too far to the center for me these days. Progressive isn't on the list. Independent seemed appropriate.


I’m a Democrat. There is strength in numbers and we need strength to counter the greedy unconscionable control freaks among us.


The one that wants nothing to do with politics



I said "Liberal" But not sure if that might be taken wrong (?) I mean I'm going for another Party like the Green Party now. And that is for our most Practical time, but there is another ideology that I like to see that is better understood by the Venus Project & Zieguest (Spelling isn't Correct - A Guess at it) The Proposal of Jacque Fresco's Resource Base Economy that gets rid of the Monetary System and Capitalism. Meaning we Scientifically make Earth the common resources that reduces the labor forces so that we all have everything equally. That will eliminate a lot of other unnecessary jobs, but we all live in Harmony If we understand the Cultural Condition is what makes most people what they are..


I'm a bleeding heart, tree hugging, animal rights, gay rights, women's right, tax the crap out of the rich, education first Liberal and proud of it

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