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Is it just me? The times we live in? Is it not shocking that 22% of people wouldn't necessarily pay a restaurant bill? (Poll taken on MSN)

Do you ever think there's ever a situation where it's okay not to pay a restaurant bill?

No, I don't think so
Yes, I think so
Maybe, I'm not sure
Other / No opinion
Based on 5,243 responses. Snapshot of real-time results

lerlo 8 Sep 6

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I've only done it once and that's because the meal never appeared. We waited 1 and 1/2 hours and finally just left a tip for the waitress who had only brought us water and left.


Oh my goodness, this question must have been asked in a large urban location for 22% to think it's okay not to pay the basic bill.

I live in a small community, where everyone knows each other. There is no way anyone wanting to eat out again would ever stiff the restaurant, owners, staff, etc., by not paying for a meal.

The restaurant bill covers the basics, which must be met, and the tip is to cover the overall satisfaction. The basic bill must be paid, since that's the agreement made upon placing the order. Now, if there is a huge error somehow, and the restaurant comps the meal, fine, but in my opinion, if you ate it, you pay for it.

In the UK the law says that, if you are unhappy with your meal or service, you should pay half the asked fee. Because you have used the seating and lighting etc. even if the meal or service was bad.


I think there ARE rare cases when it's justified not to pay a restaurant bill, and the question included the word EVER. Not "often," or "on occasion," etc.
I can dream up examples of things than almost never happen, or probably won't, but COULD, and those types of freak situations do unfortunately happen.
Then, it'd be up to the person of people involved. Maybe they pay it anyway.


Unless the meal makes me violently ill on the spot, or the waiter throws the food in my face on purpose, or maybe if there's a dead rodent or Madagascar hissing cockroach in my soup, I can't think of a situation in which I wouldn't pay for a meal. Occasionally I have left a very small tip for extremely poor service, though, but that's rare.

In the UK the law says that, if you are unhappy with your meal or service, you should pay half the asked fee. Because you have used the seating and lighting etc. even if the meal or service was bad.

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