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Men are disposable, send them bitches to the war to die and let them rot in prison and do all the hard work that women won't do. Why is that? The women complain about equality but don't want to carry equal burdens of fighting wars and do the hard work. They want the easy jobs sitting on their ass in the office pretending to work. Why are men disposable and why are most average men ignored and go on onlyfans to cry about their sexless marriage? I believe its simple. One man can impregnate 100 women but one woman can't pop out 100 babies all at once. Nature doesn't want monogamy. Nature wants you to reproduce. So women are more valuable than men because they ensure the human race continues. You can have 1 million women and one man and still repopulate the earth with one million people. You cannot have one woman and one million men. This bitch will get diseased and kill off the human race. This is why historically it was frowned upon by women to be whores. This will make her get sick with STDs and kill off any offspring. Its acceptable for a man to have many wives because they could have many children.

A female with 100 husbands is disgusting.

Focus1 4 Sep 11

Enjoy being online again!

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