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LINK Thousands of Virginia Students Walk Out to Protest Youngkin’s New Anti-Trans Proposals – Mother Jones

Earlier this month, Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced that his administration would seek to roll back the rights of transgender and nonbinary students in Virginia. But Gen-Z’s approach to direct political engagement is once again striking back, this time with young Virginians rallying to protest the proposals they say are a political stunt that would harm trans kids.

On Tuesday, thousands of students at more than 90 schools participated in walkouts across the state, making it one of the largest student demonstrations in recent memory. The walkouts were organized by the Pride Liberation Project, a student-led LGBTQ advocacy group in Virginia. Ranger Balleisen, a 17-year-old student at McLean High School and one of the lead walkout coordinators in the project, told me he was blown away by the turnout.

HAPPENING NOW: Students at Thomas Jefferson School of Science & Technology are marching in opposition of Gov. Glenn Youngkin's <strong>transgender</strong> policy.

—  Arianna Coghill  (@CoghillArianna) September 27, 2022

“It’s incredible. Seeing that there are thousands of students who are willing to walk out for trans rights in my state is honestly a very supporting and amazing feeling to have,” Balleisen said. “And while obviously, the circumstances surrounding that are rather grim, knowing that I have the support of so many people has been very helpful to me.” ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 29

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Good for them. Another red state that the citizens have more sense than the government.

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