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Part of me wants to be above empathetic and not hate those who have been in an environment that has led them into being manipulated into believing the most outrageous abhorrent ideas in an attempt to be a good person..

forcing masks ,some still are under that manipulated spell .

What if they said to crawl to avoid the virus? Would you of crawled ?

Be honest...

I think a great number would have crawled. I was just getting through a very emotional time in my life ,and I wasn't fully cognitive as I am now and usually in general..

So I was fooled by the masks for the first 2 weeks , but then I studied and my stomach churned realizing I was wrong about the masks helping at all ..

To be fair to myself,I only suggested that if they had worked then to be polite and wear one to maybe stop someone else from being sick ,and I said people at a protest would get sick .. I was a dumbass...

I have no problem being wrong ,if it hurts ,so be it ..I have forgiven myself for being foolish for a couple of weeks ,but I don't know if I could forgive myself if I kept being a manipulated freak of nature from the powers that I know should not be ,and I didn't want to feel wrong or go against my peer group or family ,who ever ,ruin relationships,whatever the Truth is God to me ...

Truth above all !!

So another part of me just has so much trouble with letting not to bother me ,the freaks of nature that were manipulated by powers that should not be..

It's like I just want to hate them.
But as I know it's not all their fault..

They were never exposed to such environments that challenged them in a way that they realized that there are powers that should not exist ,and to go on from there and question all powers.

But then ,it's like so many know about Jeffrey Epstein. And I just can't understand why so many still trust anyone in power knowing about him and looking into him .. think people would look into him .. to see what it's all about.. but they don't..

And it's like how could anyone not look into that ? The most sickening thing is not looked into by more people so that it stops happening? But yeah .. the News media didn't have much to say about it all ?

Some don't know ..

Those who do don't tell anyone either at all or often enough..

And when it is told , people scoff and think it's all.made up ..

So it continues.. the horror

laidback1 6 Oct 1

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I hope you get some help. Your imbalance is painfully obvious.

My opinion has nothing to do with your opinion on masks or vaccinations. It is solely based on your attempt to change people's minds by calling them idiots. No sane person would ever use that kind of approach to change someone's mind.

Being called an idiot or not doesn't affect my abilities to change my mind ... I think some just like to use that as an excuse to continue being an idiot ,to not face themselves


In the words of the great Bugs Bunny, "You are a fucking maroon". A selfish ignorant maroon. I lost two friends and an ex-brother-in-law to the virus. Whatever bad happens to you in life will be well deserved.

You're friends probably died from a co morbidity( which probably had nothing to do with the virus,they just tested with it at death) that wasn't being addressed properly.. but yeah blame others for their and your responsibility...

Don't admit that is the truth because that will hurt your feelings..

Though they may have been murdered by the hospital and that I give condolences for..

@laidback1 Your ignorance knows no bounds. I have house plants smarter than you. I hope you haven't had kids. It would be criminal to pass your genes down to someone else. 🙃

@laidback1 You are the moron blaming others. You are not only not very bright, you are a hypocrite, which is even worse than being a moron. Fucking amazing! 😁

@Sticks48 you're showing your true colors... Thought you people were comparative to the Nazis.. and you just proved it ..

@laidback1 You keep showing an incredible lack of knowledge. You don't know the definition of Nazi either. You really need to try educating yourself. If your just ignorant, you can fix that. If you are stupid, well, you're just stuck with that. 🙃

@Sticks48 American eugenics which is responsible in part at least responsible for the Nazi idealogy created the word moron.. you're the one without a Clue ..that's just one aspect ,you all demonstrate more aspects.. than just throwing out not only politically incorrect words which is retarded , but when you throw out a word literally created by people who were and still are the enemy of human kind ,it's like you're a minion.. you ignore just like the Nazis had blacklisted,ignored doctors and scientists who had prestige and merit.... Unlike Nazi times we have the back then the people didn't have a way to know how bad the Nazis were fir awhile.. and now we have the Internet.. but people choose to ignore the prestigious doctors,even though unlike Nazi times it was harder to get those voices heard now it's only hard because people like you don't know how to think apparently

@laidback1 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🤣


A) u don’t want to wear a mask , don’t f wear it . I am sure u gonna die from some type of stupidity , and ain’t gonna be covid probably .
Causing harm to others , it’s another f story thou . If u are that sure that your breath doesn’t transmit harmful to others disease , that’s great . Let me know how u know that , I ll make money out of this and retire earlier .
B) what ever u smoke is not working for u .
I remember u from 2 yrs ago . I see , no impovement . I will have been sorry . Normally . But I can’t . I am wearing a mask since March 2020. 5 nights a week for 14 hrs every day . So people like u can bitch and demand the Royal treatment when they come to ER or icu . Drop it . We don’t care about your bitching . We have bigger fish to fry and ain’t u alright .
C) u are not solving nothing . U are the problem .

That's your information field.. I'm not going to go much further, you're a lost cause for sometime most likely..

Yeah I know tuberculosis could spread and kill ,so yeah if I had that, I'd wear a mask and it would actually likely work , because the particles are to big to go through a mask ,unlike a virus ...

You going to wear a bullet proof vest for testing while it has holes three times the size of the bullet? For a million dollars?

I feel sorry for you that you would of crawled if they told you too and say I'd kill people if I didn't crawl..

You're fucking nuts.. it's not you're fault though.. you've been programed by child rapists,like Jeffery Epstein, funny how he got jailed again ,bill Gates in interview admits to meeting him after his first conviction ,oh the cognitive dissonance is overwhelming...

I see you're college educated .. I imagine you do not have a PhD.. as far as I know more people with PhDs had not taken the vaccine

Brett Weinstein & Heather Weinstein,a married couple that are both evolutionary biologists,do not trust the vaccines or the masks ,and there are many highly educated people with merit ,who won awards in academia & Medicine,nobel prize winners.. all have spoken out

One of them Bhakta,he won multiple awards and then the institions of science that let Jeffery Epstein hang out with them , well they gave doctor Bhakta a dounce award . Media institutions also vilified people with merit , prestigious people..

People who have worked on viruses and vaccines.

Doctor Gupta apologized to Joe Rogan over the horse paste nonsense...

You have been programmed...this information if you take care of it may help you .. doctor McCullough.. doctor Robert Malone..

You can't think I'm insane because I really have all.thrse people who have merits that back what I say because I learned it from them ..


Med adjustments needed, STAT!

Okay you possible zombie cloud cyborg freak


Not quite getting your point...

Fair criticism.. care to expand?

@laidback1 So, you're now anti-mask. Are you anti-vax too?

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