As a climate change expert at the World Bank, Arame Tall is deeply familiar with the facts and figures of global warming. She understands how rising seas and changing weather cycles are affecting her home country of Senegal — from a retreating coastline in the city of Dakar where she grew up, to her mother's hometown of Diourbel, where drought and floods have forced people to abandon their peanut farms.
But even with all that knowledge, Tall was still shocked when her own nephew attempted to flee the country for a better life in Europe. "To the whole family's astonishment, he disappeared one night, and we looked for him," she told me. "He couldn't be found."
Earlier this year, 18-year-old Amadou had reached the boat that was supposed to smuggle him out of Senegal and into Spain. The captain warned of heavy rain that was forecast at sea and said the trip might not be safe. Afraid for his life, Amadou disembarked.
"Everybody else who got on that boat never came back," Tall told me. "And they were confirmed to have sunk in the Atlantic. So he escaped. But you always wonder, what if he had actually taken that boat?"
There is an expression in Wolof, one of Senegal's main languages: Djawou bou soppekou. It literally means, "The weather is changing."
Today, we are launching a project to look at how the ripples of climate change are radiating outward. Beginning in Senegal, my team and I are setting out to connect the dots on three major stories that I have often covered as distinct issues over the years. ...
I'm going to stick with "Didn't happen" and "Makes no sense" as the reasons to disavow the story. I will say that granting the story is true allows one to make the point god killed every fetus, as well, but has done so many times throughout Thou's book. How can life have sanctity if it was through murder that we are forgiven?
Well, the point of the video is that the biblical version is the 4th and latest known incarnation of the flood story, which puts it ionto the category of "myth". The biblical version is the only version to only involve a single god, so the story was conceived by what Christians would refer to as "pagans", and should not be considered an actual historical event.
That the story did nto originate with the Abrahamic religion(s), demonstrates how many biblical stories were taken from other religions and cultures, and is evidence that the bible is just a bunch of fictional stories.
It is in the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest written stories in the world.
Xtions don't care about dates - to many, the Earth is only 6 to 10 thousand years old.
The biblical version is the 4th and latest known incarnation of the flood story, and the only version to involve only single god.