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Book "Adrift" by Scott Galloway I just finished listening to this book and thought it offered a good overview and scratched the surface of some reasons how we got to these uncertain times. By understanding how we got here, it's easier to see what we need to get back on course. A short read with 100 charts, or a quick 3+ hour listen with the charts offered in PDF form, makes this a valuable book, in my opinion.

Seems we need to invest more in our children, teens and young adults, especially young single men who feel disconnected, as part of the solution. Put more resources into psychiatric care, and myriad other steps we can make to get back on track.

I'm not an expert in economy, but seems that fixing some of the social issues might help our economic issues as well. While this book may not have all the solutions, it does get one to thinking how everything is connected and some ways to start correcting our course toward a better country.

Has anyone else read this book and have any comments or observations?

Julie808 8 Oct 9

Enjoy being online again!

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