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Money root of all evil? True or false?

EmeraldJewel 7 Apr 29

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Not the root of all evil...rapists seem to have something else in mind.


Money is a symbol of all things.
Possession, you name the thing to have and the act of having creates the conflict. My stuff, your stuff, more stuff and worst of all - people as stuff.


I believe that to be false. Those who seek power are the root of all evil.


Money is a go between for what you want a trade off for time and payment means for barter trading

Rosh Level 7 Apr 29, 2018

False. Humanity is the root of all evil.

People can be shitty whether they are rich or poor. I have wealthy friends that are absolutely amazing human beings. I’ve got friends in the ghetto that are absolute dirt bags. And the same goes for the opposite. I got a wealthy “associate” who is typically an asshole, but he was raised to think he was better than people around him because of his bank account. And I’ve got friends that were homeless that would give the torn shirt off their back to help someone else.

In my opinion, there is no single cause for human emotions other than humans.

I typically think the absolute worse of people. And when the show themselves as being dirtbags, I’m not shocked or disappointed. However, when I see a person who genuinely does something just for someone else, at least I’m pleasantly surprised. And occasionally, I’m shocked by the paragons of people. Like Saint Teresa. I didn’t care that she lived a pious life in response to her religion. I cared that she was a person who gave everything she had for other people with no expectation for something in return. To me, she’s a paragon of humanity.


Perhaps not ALL evil, but definitely a good portion of it.

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