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So here's a question to the group. I like to tell jokes but of course you can't tell all kinds of jokes to strangers or people you don't know very well. Routinely, when I don't tell a joke that has sex or innuendo in it, it's inevitably called a dad joke. So, are all jokes that don't have sex or a swear word or innuendo in them dad jokes?

lerlo 8 Nov 12

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Dad jokes are in fashion so people naturally attribute any non-sexual humor to being a Dad joke. 10 years ago no one had ever heard of a Dad joke. A joke was either a joke or a dirty joke.


Not in the social circles in which I move. My jokes are often referred to as "grown jokes". (Think about it.)


I don't think so!... Although this depends on the generation of your audience, don't forget that each has its own vocabulary and standards of communication, including humor/joking.

Diaco Level 7 Nov 12, 2022
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