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Good idea.

Jolanta 9 Nov 18

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I don't add table salt to my food, and I still have too much sodium in my diet according to my doctor. Wish they would create more ready made food and restaurant choices that are low sodium. I really watch the sodium content of the prepared food I eat, and still get too much. Never bothered me until this past year. My blood pressure is good, but too much sodium affects my energy and ability to move spritely. It's a daily battle for me to keep my sodium intake low being a non-cook.

Maybe you need to stop being a non cook. I must say that I do enjoy others cooking for me.


My blood pressure is borderline and no docter has ever suggested I change my salt intake. When my husband was diagnosed with heart disease I actually ask whether or not we should lower his salt intake and the doctor said no. I guess I should try it anyway.

Well, some doctors are better than others I would say. All research point to that salt is not good for us.

@Jolanta My husband lived 16 years after his heart bypass. Lung and brain cancer killed him not his heart. My doctor did say that there are some people who are salt sensitive but he did not believe either I or my husband were.

There have been some studies that indicate that salt is not the culprit it has been made out to be. I dated a young guy who was salt sensitive and it did affect his blood pressure.


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