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US Justice is blind? To paraphrase an Australian reporter "Why hire a lawyer when you can buy a corrupt president?"

"A federal judge in Washington on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit filed by the fiancee of slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi against Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, citing President Biden's grant of immunity."


FrayedBear 9 Dec 6

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“Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy. and yet... and yet you act as if there is some ideal order in the world, as if there is some... some rightness in the universe by which it may be judged.”

Sir Terry Pratchett

Thanks for the introduction to Pratchett. Chasing down some of his quotes has identified that there has been a hole in my existance in not having explored his humour & commentaries on life. I've bookmarked him for further exploration.

@FrayedBear That quote is from Hogfather, spoken by the personification of Death.
If you are going to read Pratchett I would recommend Small Gods as a first introduction to his humour and philosophy. As well as the satirical theology of a world where when an atheist says the gods do not exist, they are immediately hit by a brass lightening rod with a note tied to it saying "Oh yes we bloody well do!"

@LenHazell53 it was more the listings of specific quotes rather than whole novels that interested me. The brass rod quote leaves me saying that an imaginative author would have the brass rods already reverberating at the frequencies to produce & transmit through the body the words to be heard by the brain of the victim & thereby avoiding the problem of being illiterate, dyslexic, deaf & blind victims.


The suit was dismissed because the Prince was appointed Prime Minister. As such he has Head of State immunity which is recognized by ALL countries and has NOTHING to do with Biden.

So that's why USA didn't pursue Hitler but let him go & live in S. America, Pol Pot, Stalin, Pinochet and numerous Israeli heads of state, like they didn't chase Gadhafi, Saddam Hussein & why they trumped up charges against Assange, Snowden, chased Bin Laden ultimately executing him without trial as they did with Qasem Soleimani?

Also if what you say is true why is Trump now being pursued?

@FrayedBear Hitler in S.A.????? What drugs are you on?

The remaider of your post is your usual wandering B.S.

@Alienbeing rumour has it that he lived to a ripe old age in one of the S.American countries along with a few of the other top nazi criminals. Their lack of prosecution, judicial murder or assassination like that of those nazis given green cards, anonymity & employment in America because of usefulness to U S interests simply identifies American duplicity & dishonour.

@FrayedBear Hitler never made it out of his bunker.

The remainder of your post is a "who cares". After WW2 the U.S. and many other countries took in x-Nazi party members.

@Alienbeing "never made it out of his bunker" - LoL you guys wrote the story.

Your 2nd para - human hypocrisy supported by a self professed alien. Lmao ROFL. You really are a poor excuse for human masquarading as alien.

@FrayedBear I'd ask you what proof you had regarding Hitler's move to S.A. , however since you have yet to make a correct statement, I won't waste time.

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