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I'll just leave this here for the obvious pro Ukrainian suspects to respond.

Ukrainian Lillian Gasinskayoy




FrayedBear 9 Dec 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Lilliana Hasynska nee Gasinskayoy in 1990 moved to London, where she still lives. She gave birth to two sons, moved her parents from Luhansk region closer to her after the fall of the soviet union.

The soviet union and later the Russian authorities ran a propaganda campaign in Australia against her for years claiming falsely she was a prostitute, a pornographic actress and a drug dealer, they even publicly stripped her of her Russian citizenship even though she had renounced it in 1980.
She is viewed in Russia as an embarrassment, having slipped through the fingers of the USSR so easily and portray her as a fool who ruined her life by fleeing her home and falling in degradation in the corrupt and decadent west.
In London today she has escaped all of that since no one here has a clue who she is or was and care even less

Thank FYI Len. Is it known how she got from Oz to the UK? What I find fascinating is her favourable treatment here in Australia - for many years boat people, obviously not having the same propaganda value against the Russian ogre, are thrown into offshore concentration camps under disgusting conditions.


Is there a point to this story?

There must be if you negatively stick your nose in!

@FrayedBear Apparently you don't know. Not surprising.

@Alienbeing Len's made interesting report on her post Australian life.

@FrayedBear Since I don't live in Australia, I don't care.

@Alienbeing #nworsa

@FrayedBear #fyawamh

@Alienbeing you really are a dumbass

@FrayedBear Since you have never backed up a thing you said, your opinion of me or anything is worthless.

@Alienbeing even when provided with proof of your #stupidity you cannot accept it. I've just "backed up" what I said. There is no knowledge apart from in your brain as to what #fyawamh is.
I using intelligence define my acronym.

@FrayedBear Your ignorance of #fyawamh is your problem, not mine.

@Alienbeing I recently saw a thread on people who talk to themseves. That is what you are doing at the moment.

@FrayedBear Unnsurprising that you don't realize how the "conversation" is constructed. #fyawamh.

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