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This Documentary was made 60 years ago. Amazing how much it is like today

Castlepaloma 8 Dec 23

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i think you should realize, by now, that Communism is dead and UNIONS are [and always were] the only way the ordinary citizen can have Any say!!!!
This video was BS then and worse now!

They call it by other confusing name. Trudeau uses that dictatorship or communism handbook very well.

@Castlepaloma i see NO confusion, other than your willfulness.....


Willfulness is what sheep do. All willful to be told what to think and what to do. My daughter and I have mastered our live by loving what we do. All our adult lives and give it all away on how we want to, not by over obeisance for the greedy.

@Castlepaloma ummmmmm, sheep are the Opposite of willful, and you know this because you use them frequently in your replies to posts.
but, you will distort any words to try and defend the silliness you post.....


All animals have will to live, just sheep lack will and alway following their leader in fear they can't think for themselves. Sheep would go as far as following their leader into a volcano. Can't find anybody better than me to be my leader. Drink up, your snake oil.


Regardless of which side one is on, that’s not a documentary.
That’s a political propaganda cartoon.

skado Level 9 Dec 23, 2022

My art work has not been political ever. Daughter and I have been animator, except she went on to be international renowned. Animator can be propaganda or documentary like military or freedom fighters. Since covid my art business has been destroyed along with 1/3 of small businesses gone under. Truckers and farmers has been our last line of defense for freedom and had the largest protests worldwide in human history. That film is more relevance today than when it was made, same for Pink Floyd- The Wall, music.

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