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More thoughtful analysis from Dr. Campbell.
Read through the comments section for more perspective.

BDair 8 Jan 3

Enjoy being online again!

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There always have been people who are allergic to certain drugs. I am one of a few people who are allergic to penicillin, however, penicillin is a drug that has helped many people recover from serious infections. Some antibiotics have a long list of side effects, Metronidazole is one which I have taken and I experienced zero side effects.

When the numbers of people in a population who experience serious side affects or death from a drug or vaccine are very low then that is insufficient grounds for withdrawing or banning a particular drug/vaccine.

Like nearly all pharmaceuticals, anti-biotics have been
greatly over prescribed and often do more harm than good.
The experimental mRNA biologic rollout is a completely different
situation. The CV 'vaccines' failed in their own trials when
their own data is analyzed. They were never proven safe and effective,
and they never should have been released to the public on an EUA.
They never prevented infection or transmission, and they have caused
millions of injuries and thousands of deaths.
The safety signal needed to remove them from the marketplace
was evident before they were even released.

@BDair From the Uk ONS (Office of National Statistics)

"In England, between 2 January and 2 July 2021, there were 51,281 deaths involving COVID-19; 640 occurred in people who were fully vaccinated. This includes people who had been infected before they were vaccinated. This information can be found in table 1 of the dataset.

In total, there were 256 deaths involving COVID-19 that occurred in someone who had received both vaccine doses and had a first positive PCR test at least 14 days after the second vaccination dose. We call these 'breakthrough deaths.'

Where is the data from July '21 through December '22?


ONS stopped reporting on vaccine injuries in July '21, when they started to become too obvious. They failed to respond to the FOI with data. 'We do not hold information on side effects of COVID-19 vaccinations. Any member of the public or health professional can submit suspected side effects through the Yellow Card scheme. This information is collected by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority. They may be better placed to assist and can be contacted on'

"The Yellow Card reporting scheme has reported that between 9 December 2020 and 8 September 2021 there were 1,645 deaths where the person died shortly after receiving one of the coronavirus vaccines. This is the number of deaths reported as possibly linked to a vaccine..." - ONS

@BDair The technology used to manufacture the vaccines is not new and has been around for more than twenty years. People wonder how a vaccine could have been made in such a short space of time; seemingly, they are oblivious to the fact that it was a concerted effort of research scientists around the world sharing data and the use of a Japanese Supercomputer. The number of people who would have died if it were not for vaccines would in all probability been very much higher. When you have evidence of very high numbers of people dying from SARS-Cov-2 vaccines l am sure you will gladly share it, right?

There has never been a successful vaccine used in humans based on
an mRNA platform. All previous attempts ended in failure,
when either test animals or human subjects died.
There is data from all around the world indicating
unprecedented excess mortality concurrent with
injecting a large percentage of the population
with an unapproved experimental biologic.
The narrative you are espousing is a complete fabrication.

@BDair When you have evidence of very high numbers of people dying from SARS-Cov-2 vaccines l am sure you will gladly share it, right?

Things generally got worse after vaccinations were rolled out.


You do realize his guy is a NURSE, right, his 'doctor' title is from a PhD in Philosophy...on the upside, he IS far more qualified than anybody else you have ever cited........

He reviews and analyzes published medical papers,
which he is very qualified to do. If you could ever craft
a reasonable counter argument to anything I
post, that would be great.
Your blathering opinions are not compelling arguments.

@BDair Qualified by whom, exactly? Calling himself Doctor as he gives medical advice is pretty deceitful IMO.
Soooo, next time you have a medical problem i assume you will get your aid from a random PhD?

He has had a long career in medical education,
and his teaching materials and video presentations
have educated doctors and nurses around the world
and have been viewed by millions of people.
All you have is your ill-informed opinions.
Stick your head a little bit outside of your bubble.
You will find that there is a great deal of information
that counters the dogma and propaganda that
has influenced your thinking for your
entire life.

@BDair tThere certainly is a shitload of spurious 'info' found and posed by pathetically credulous you.........

Please provide evidence of such.
Your opinion is worthless.

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