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Re-introducing myself - anyone remember me?

Long time, no see. I just brushed the app and this site opened up. Though I have no memory of posting here before I see I put up a bio. I wonder if the introductory stuff here has changed or maybe I have.

“Agnostic is a non-profit community for people who require evidence before forming a belief.”

I would no longer feel included by the opening statement: though I would have at one time. What has changed is my no longer seeing science as the prototype for belief. Truth, I would always have said is a simple matter of correspondence between what is asserted by language and that fits the way things stand in the world. At best that only gets at empirical truth which includes no big, value-laden questions.

I still identify as agnostic but no longer qualify that with “atheist”. I still find the word God very problematic but precisely for that reason I prefer to simply not make statements about what god belief must entail.

Reading Iain McGilchrist’s books has opened my eyes. He is an agnostic too but doesn’t cede words like “soul” and “sacred” to organized religion to define. It is very easy to attach meaning to and draw value from these two words without regard to the way any religious institution defines them. It needn’t involve ‘afterlife’ alternatives.

I may very well have shared this link before but it is still the best, most distinct (and entertaining) introduction to his ideas. Any other fans of Iain in the house?


My other interests include making my garden, walking my dogs and reading good novels.

MarkWD 7 Jan 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I do not know you.


Interesting talk.


Welcome back, I do remember you, and its still quite fun here.

I do not think that it matters one little bit what words you do or do not use, as long as you are careful to ensure that you define the meaning of your words each time you use them. Especially so if your usage deviates from the commonly assumed meanings. Though that is hard work, but it is less work than trying to clear up a mess of confusion afterwards.

I remember you too. Quite the garden maker as I recall. A quick glance over a group I had apparently joined revealed a great interest in growing edibles. That used to motivate me back when ornamentals were my wife’s business. Now I’m the one steering the garden with an eye toward aesthetics, but one aspiring toward celebrating nature rather than displaying the hand of man.

@MarkWD That is exactly my gardening too. That certainly looks a wonderfu;l border.


Welcome. Good to see you again.
Thanks for the link. I’ll check it out.
I have watched a number of interviews with McGilchrist but haven’t read any of his books. Seems like a smart and reasonable guy.

skado Level 9 Jan 5, 2023

Yeah there are a lot of interviews and talks he has put out that I’ve enjoyed too. I’m almost embarrassed to admit how much I’ve been influenced. But then again because he is so reasonable and I don’t have enough mileage left on my tires to read all that he has or reconcile it all that either. I’m happy to just absorb what makes sense to me. I don’t really need it expect to understand everything.

I remember you too. From your bio looks as though we might be singing in the same choir:

“ The evidence that I’m aware of strongly suggests our species has always been, and will continue to be in the foreseeable future, a religious species, outlying individuals notwithstanding.

I think it’s not only a futile, but an unwise, hope that religion will go away. A possible, realistic hope might be to popularize a religious figuratist, as opposed to a religious literalist view.”


welcome back


Nobody is worried about what or who you believe in as long as you don't insist on converting others. Just enjoy.

I never look to persuade anyone about such things. In discussion about them it is only motivated to explore overlap and understand what motivates divergences. I have no stake in seeing my current WV come out on top; I’m better off if it becomes refined where it can be.

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