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Hope is the process of setting goals and following through on them, while optimism is a positive thought pattern.

Rather go for an optimist person rather than the hopeful person. Like skillful over luck.

Your thoughts?

Castlepaloma 8 Jan 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I was born an ebullient optimist. Optimism and enthusiasm inspire people.

Hope is a feeling. Feelings change. Optimism is a tendency or disposition.

Photos: Overjoyed to find shade on a hot day. 2016

Sound cool

When I was fishing on a dating site profiles. Many stated to me they are an hopeless romantic. I tell them I'm an optimist romantic.. Recently I got lucky with a partner. Years ago I was called an op-ti-holic, meaning an extreme optimist. Think the covid world order, cooled that down some.

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