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Religion: Religions are most often based upon the lives, teachings, and beliefs of a historical or archetypal figure (e.g., Christ, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Muhammad). The details of their lives as holy or highly evolved beings have been carried to us across the mists of time through oral tradition and written scriptures. These figures are the subject of worship and devotion and form the foundation of religious practices and rituals in a community.

Spirituality: By contrast, spirituality is more often based upon the practical application of the founder’s teachings. Spiritual aspirants heed the advice of Japanese poet Matsuo Basho, “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.”

Toyasexy 4 Jan 29

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All of it, spirituality, religion, etc, is ALL bullshit.
There are no gods or spirits.
The "soul" is not a real thing.
We have to stop tolerating this bullshit.
It has proved itself far too dangerous.


Why isn't there any modern day holy men?


Forms of GOVERNMENT are most often based upon the lives, teachings, and beliefs of a historical or archetypal figure (e.g., Christ, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Muhammad).

Religion is simply helping widows and orphans in need while avoiding worldly corruption.

Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27

Spirituality is akin to motivated, optimistic, positive principles and philosophies for one to improve their life and to maintain a higher standard of living based on greater knowledge and wisdom.

As a genetic or generalized statement, I think "spiritual " people want to seperate themselves from the authoritarian - going or following rules just because a leader said do the rules and would rather know why rules of sorts should be followed.

I'll explain, from biblical text to modern health codes give rules about prescribed hand washing. A person washing their hands could be completely compliant with rules. However, if they don't understand, germs could get back on the hands before doing the task that required the hand washing. So, a person in the sense of being spiritual in the understanding of why hand washing, and does it accordingly is not so much in need of the authoritarian rule of "just wash your hands because it's the rule".

Yet, I think I find for what ever reason, some people do better with "just wash your hands because the rules say so", rather than the person being able to learn why to wash hands.

Word Level 8 Jan 29, 2023

And to do it properly, we are all supposed to follow YOU and your instructions .... right??

@Normanbites to do what properly? Government?

@Word Whatever you say ... you are the self appointed master of all things spiritual and by extension, morality, humanity, and meaning ..... right?

@Normanbites I think you are misdirecting the pointing. I do not consider myself, self appointed to master anything, but wound think I have ability to point to things, or information. I think it reasonable that me or anyone could give their 2 cents worth. And, if I am going to give someone my 2 cents worth, I don't mind if they get a little more value out of it than 2 cents. So to say, I like to think most things I share is well worth someone to think about or at least point them in a good direction. Could it be possible they find something better than I have to share? Yes, it could be very possible depending on the circumstances or information refered to at the time..

@Word There is no evidence any of the archetypal figures you mentioned ever existed.

However there is ample evidence religion of all types have inflicted horrors upon the world that would be unimaginable except for the historical examples.

@Word I blocked Norman. He bites.


As you describe "spirituality" it is still based on magical thinking and the adoration of an "archetypal" figure (the founders).

Simply put, there are no fore bearers that led a better life than yours. So get your head out of the past and out of fantasy and live your real life now!!

You get a mad icon only because of your view of spirituality. Even when I was an atheist I thought of spirituality as the connection to nature which we all share with all other life. Everything is connected to it and, now, I"m more inclined toward Spinoza's view that all life is an element of one "mind" (please note the quotation marks as mind does not mean a brain or even thought). I think that mind is an electron, a single electron, bonded magnetically to others for a time. We are the formed illusionary wave particles of that bond.

@rainmanjr Obviously you have never abandoned magical thinking. So you have always been a future former atheist.

@Normanbites Obviously you are scientifically illiterate. Quantum Physics are about magnetic energy, not gravity, and (if so) science is turning toward Bohr's theories. That will lead away from Einstein. No magical thinking at all and certainly not stuck in a rut.

@rainmanjr Quantum mechanics and classical mechanics are both incomplete. That is recognized at present time and research efforts continue toward a grand unification of the two. But everyone can rest assured the answer will not be found in magical crystal vibration woo woo. Or whatever other hot mess you want to drum up.

@Normanbites All of science is “incomplete.” That’s why we still make experiments. Duh 🙄
I rest assured because I’ve offered a solution to most human problems and religious afflictions. Many, like you, won’t like it because it means you’re a little bit wrong 😑 Oh well. That’s not my problem.

@rainmanjr It must be comforting to think you are privy to some secret answers to life the universe and everything. But you aren't, this is apparently obvious to everyone but you.


Cults are most often based upon the lives, teachings, and beliefs of an archetypal leadership figure
Religions are most often based upon the lives, teachings, and beliefs of a historical or archetypal figure who is now dead
Spiritualities are most often based upon the lives, teachings, and beliefs of the person espousing them and vary as is expedient to justify being beneficial to said person's desires and wants (usually financial, sexual or both).


It seems all if these religious beliefs have started with the same premise and the need to understand without necessarily having comprehension of the factual evidence of any provable existence!!!

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