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Large mammals shaped the evolution of humans: here’s why it happened in Africa



skado 9 Feb 6

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As I salivate at the the thought of tonite's sapid, slendour in the grass, filet de boeuf et trois legumes pour deux, I can't help but think that grasses obliged early primates to walk from fruitarians to herbivores to omnivores and then hunters.

High protein - the breakfast of champions - it's all in the rift.

One primate's food is another primate's evolution.

Lick your lips and kismet.


This is informed speculation. We do know that humans originated in Africa, exactly what evolutionary. pressures led to us is going to be debated for a long time.


As a man with brown skin born and raised in the USA I identify as "African American."
The truth is every human on this planet is of African decent.
There is enough scientific evidence to back the theory that we all originated in Africa.

Unity Level 8 Feb 6, 2023

We're here now so...

Understanding how we got here might help us stick around longer.


eh...I'm not convinced.

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