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How Psychotechnology Changed Humanity Forever



skado 9 Feb 7

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Hmm! Freud was addicted to cocaine and as a physician he had free and easy access to it. As for mystical experience I'm sure everyone has heard or read the words of someone who said, 'I had a great trip! It was a gas!' The tripper brought nothing back with him, no great insights, answers to conundrums nor explanations of mysteries, usually incoherent babble.

The only one that I recall who did was Coldridge, who produced Xanadu. But I think that he may have been deluding himself, if not others, a bit. To compare it to the advent of literacy in human history, is just silly.

@Fernapple True, Coleridge was a poet and no amount of smoking opium is going to make you produce a great poem.


Sales pitch.


Of the three pyschotechnologies listed I'd posit getting off your nut is as nothing compared with literacy and numeracy which tells you where, when, why and how you find the nuts.

How literacy and numeracy changed humanity forever and how psychotropic mind alteration can lead to fun and profit.


True, and nanotechnology is also changing humanity as well.


“Something happened here that was formative of us” - John Vervaeke

  1. Our modern writing/alphabet is thanks to the Muslim world.
  2. The Romans seem to have done a fine job of building stuff that lasts forever with Roman Numerals
  3. The Pyramids?

This piece sounds lovely but ignores facts.......

You are being very kind.

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