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Presidential duty

Is anyone else of the opinion that Trump believes as President that he is only obligated to the 46.1% who voted for him of those who bothered to vote in 2016, and has no regards for the 53.9% who voted for someone else nor those who couldn't or didn't vote at all? If you compare his roughly 63 million votes to the 300+ million Americans, he was only elected by roughly 20% of the population. Are our Presidents not expected to serve and protect all citizens, not just the ones who voted for or think like then?

TampaHeathen 7 May 1

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His job is to be any means necessary..has nothing to do with serving and protecting everyone....or anyone


He doesnt feel obligated to anyone but himself. He is too insecure to care about anyone else


He doesn't care, he's working for Putin... And no, I'm not kidding.

N7EIE Level 6 May 2, 2018

He's obligated to corporations and the wealthy. Probably closer to the truth.


What they are expected to do and actually do are seldom the same.


I guess you can blame Trump for being just like Obama and rewarding his supporters, not his opponents.


No - its make America great - not just 40% of America

gater Level 7 May 1, 2018
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