A royal take-down of the French Existentialist.
According to Sartre hell is other people, why? It is easy to see why Sartre held such a view if you think of yourself as a conditioned isolated ego, trapped within a bag of skin that looks out upon a world that you regard as hostile. The reality is that everyone is dependent upon other people; we are all dependent on a many people for the provision of a variety of services. Freedom is a relative concept because there is no absolute freedom even if you live on a desert island you would still be dependent on nature providing you with some form of sustenance.
Cooperation is the recognition of mutual needs and is more constructive in terms of human relationships; however, it seems to be frequently confused with communism. Whatever our ethical or political stance or philosophical position there will always be those who oppose or disagree with us and to a very large extent this revolves around our individual notion of identity. There are those who believe and follow and there are those who raise questions, the former do not seem are more any content than the latter.