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LINK 16 Democratic AGs condemn DeSantis' request for info on transgender care from colleges

(Before the Nazis sent the Jews to deth camps, first they made lists of who they were...)

Sixteen Democratic attorneys general have condemned Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' request for information about students who sought or received gender-affirming care at public colleges in Florida.

Driving the news: DeSantis has asked state universities to complete a survey detailing the number of students who have accessed treatments for gender dysphoria, including gender reassignment surgeries and hormone prescriptions. The survey also asks for the ages of the students, but no other identifying details.

What they're saying: "This information request may be intended to intimidate, and will actually intimidate, university administrators and health care providers and chill vulnerable students ... from accessing necessary medical care," the coalition, led by New York Attorney General Letitia James, wrote in a letter to DeSantis this week.

"Further, public reports suggest that you may seek to use the information sought to eliminate funding for necessary gender-affirming health care for students."
"Such actions jeopardize the health, safety and well-being of young people and their families, contravene well-accepted medical standards, unduly insert the state into the provider-patient relationship, violate students’ rights under federal law—including privacy—and offend basic human rights," the letter noted.
"Accordingly, we urge you to reconsider this action and rescind the information request immediately."

DeSantis spokesperson Jeremy Redfern responded in a statement that "radical gender ideology has supplanted academics at many institutions of higher education."

"We are committed to fully understanding the amount of public funding that is going toward such non-academic pursuits to best assess how to get our colleges and universities refocused on education and truth."

State of play: Reputable medical groups, including the American Medical Association, have warned that restrictions on gender-affirming care could lead to negative impacts on mental health for trans youth, who have an increased risk of suicide.

But DeSantis and other high-profile Republicans — including former President Trump — have homed in on gender-affirming care as a target and sought to restrict trans people's ability to access it.

DeSantis' administration has asked the state board regulating doctors to essentially ban transition-related care for trans minors and advised doctors to ignore federal guidance and stop assisting children and teens with gender transitions.
He also signed a bill in 2021 to ban trans girls from participating in school sports that align with their gender identity.

Worth noting: The Florida Board of Medicine finalized a rule in November to bar health providers in the state from offering gender-affirming care for minors. All of the members of the state's medical board were appointed by DeSantis.

The big picture: At least 97 pieces of legislation introduced in state legislatures in 2023 seek to ban aspects of gender-affirming medical care, according to data from the American Civil Liberties Union.

snytiger6 9 Mar 5

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It seems to me that the attempt to get the names on individuals seeking any kind of medical help is a violation of the Patients' Bill of Rights, which is a federal law which supersedes state laws. I will pursuit the answer to my question myself, but I wonder if anyone has violated the PBR by providing the names of those students. If they have they should be prosecuted.

The answer to my question is unfortunately "yes". " Insider has confirmed six of the 12 universities have complied with the request" [].


Clearly HItler Jr. hate minorities and wants to return the state to the 19th century, but keep the tech of this one.


DeSantis opposes the tradition-upsetting decision devised by a Trump appointee to SCOTUS. Trannies won job security they had long been denied.

In a 6-3 decision penned by Justice Neal Gorsuch, the Supreme Court held that Title VII protects gay and transgender workers from workplace discrimination. It did so on a plain language reading of the statute, a judicial philosophy known as textualism. Justice Gorsuch was joined by one other Republican-appointed justice, John Roberts, and the four Democratic-appointed justices. Justices Alito, Thomas, and Kavanaugh dissented.

For info, see Bostock case in wikipedia.


It's my understanding that request was made back in late January or early February, and being not much time has lapsed since then it's still too early to determine for sure the exact motives behind such a move, and my own research into that specific matter yielded no certain conclusions. While nefarious reasons could be involved in all of that, DeSantis may also be doing so for mental health purposes, as suicide rates among transgender individuals tends to be high, and recently there has been a push for enhancing mental health checks.

Context is missing regarding the story above, and it's still too early yet to determine the exact motive behind such, so skepticism on claim(s) made is warranted. When stories like that come up, I'm reminded of this one [] that occured last year in which a known leftwing source blatantly fabricated claims made against DeSantis, and nowadays with politics being so emotionally charged and everyone trying to promote their own agendas, I can't help but be skeptical about stories like that promoting what could be considered fear-based propaganda. That said, in due course I'm sure a real motive will come to light, and that should indeed be interesting.

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