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As a non-believer, are you also a Nihilist?

Discuss your reasons. 🙂

Kreig 7 Dec 8

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No, but I am a nye-alist. I believe the teachings of Bill Nye, except for his stance on GMO's.


I don't reject all religious precepts or morals because they were never originally religious, except for the obvious self-serving "rules" or "commandments". Using the "Lord's" name in vain has no real meaning to me. "Coveting a neighbors wife" has always been problematic for me and caused more grief than the few moments of pleasure provided, so yes, that is wrong. Still, if Sofia Vergara said yes...-but I digress. If nihilism allows unfettered antisocial behavior, than no, I am not a nihilist, if it allows me informed behavior using my better judgement in a society of non-religious law, then maybe I am.


Yes and no.
I believe that life has no objective meaning, but it is yours with which to do what you will.
As a humanist, I feel a moral obligation to make those few short spins of the globe as pleasant for people as possible <3


I am

Jaykk Level 1 Dec 8, 2017

Nihilist? No. Atheist? Yes.


As a life form, our biological imperative is to survive and thrive. Whatever happiness, joy, satisfaction, and bliss that can be gained along this short sojourn on earth, I say grab it. Eat, drink and be merry. Love life; do no harm; help others thrive.

To me, nihilism negates all that.


No. I can certainly see a connection, but I don't need a supernatural reason. I see no reason for a purpose for the human species any more than I need a reason for cockroaches.

I won't say I have a particular purpose at the moment but I have in the past, and that's the only true purpose; the one you make yourself.


I believe in mankind... as idiotic or wise as it can be. I believe in Man as ruler among species in the planet because is the most likely to destroy the planet.


Existentialist yes, nihilist no.


Nope, we form our own principles internally, they will be either negatively or positively influenced by our environment, religion just happens to be in that environment for a lot of people, without religion as children we would still be influenced by our surroundings and our parental figures, form good and bad principles just the same (with the input of a little genetic predisposition i guess).
The problem i'd have with nihilism, (most "isms" actually) is that they're coming to a conclusion while having only a tiny percentage of the information needed to do so, one way or the other.
As for meaning, well its a pretty subjective term, if you assign yourself a meaning, then that's the meaning of your life, what you choose to do with your time here, be it a pre-made template like following the teachings of a religion, getting rich, raising a family, helping to understand the universe, or simply following your own set of principles, etc. Even a nihilist's life has meaning, to be a nihilist, (and other things i'm sure), and a person's life will have meaning to and influence other people's lives, so every life has some kind meaning or purpose, regardless of whether you believe it's pre-ordained, supernatural or just based on choices. If we're talking about the big picture "why are we here? what's the purpose of life itself or is there even any?" Who knows? The answer is no one yet.


I'm an optimistic nihilist, I think it gives us an opportunity to choose our own destiny.

Mr_Dj Level 5 Dec 8, 2017

Moderately. I believe I may be surrounded by unwitting nihilists, so my fatalism leads me to believe that they will destroy me and everything around me, eventually. Nihilist by proxy? Which, I believe, will be my next band name.


When a religious person lays down their life and goes on to the next one, that’s nihilism. When an atheist lays down their life, that is a priceless, irreplaceable sacrifice.


No. but perhaps I'm a Fatalist. Haven't given it much though actually.


No, I don't think the lack of religious beliefs of laws encourages or produces nihilistic tendencies. I may not use religion to guide my morals, but I do have my own established moral code. As well as follow most laws, I don't need faith in a god to govern my life.

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