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Your Science is Bought and Paid For

BDair 8 Mar 10

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It just misses one important point. Which is that. The only reason she now knows that doctors and scientists, were mistaken, or deceptive, about things like the link between smoking and cancer, is because other scientists and doctors discovered it and exposed them. If you distrust all science, then you are guilty of throwing out the baby with the bath water, science is not perfect, nothing in the human world is, but it is your best source of good information. It does revise, which is the all important difference with religion, and it is possible to discover who has paid it of when they do take money.

And if you did follow her philosophy, then you would still be smoking forty a day without filter tips.

Actually has anyone proved that raw tobacco, not the product contaminated with all the additive addiction causing chemicals does cause cancer any more than freshly ground black pepper does?

@FrayedBear I don't know. Though I do recall, that when the big push against tobacco began, many years ago, it was said that cigars and pipe smoking, were less harmful than cigarettes. Cigars and pipe tobacco presumably being more natural and free of chemicals and paper, but they did not say they were harmless. Having said which, I think that all smoke is dangerous, and I am told that wood smoke, as from a garden bonfire, is twenty times more dangerous than tobacco.

@Fernapple Depending on the fire combustable probably it is more dangerous - what if the material had been sprayed with the dioxin agent orange or 245T?
I mentioned black pepper because I vaguely remember reading that was carcinogenic. []
Because pipe tobacco was "working class" I suspect that it also was treated with nasties to make it more addictive.
For a brief period I was able to buy Queensland grown chop - untaxed tobacco. Simply dried, wet again, shredded & rewet. The most beautiful clean tasting tobacco that I ever smoked.

@Fernapple and what about bonfire night & all those fireworks?


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