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I found this quite interesting and wanted to share.

Still find the idea of entanglement hard to believe.

antman 7 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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@antman Entanglement is hard to believe. It’s also not necessary to believe. See my below reply to @Thibaud70


Fritjof Capra in his book The Tao of Physics drew parallels between eastern mysticism and modern physics.

I wonder why Neils Bohr, one of the founders of quantum mechanics who was awarded a Coat of Arms by the Royal Danish Court chose the Chinese Yin Yang symbol that adorns his heraldic shield.


Solid reality is when 2 observers have the same result, but mind reality is unique per mind and usually called Insanity by other minds/observers. sadly or luckily we need a common/solid reality to live. my bank account means nothing till have confirmation from others.
that's why religions or such, at max, can give people a simple inner peace, by manipulating and replacing the common reality with an illusion.

Diaco Level 7 Mar 24, 2023

i once tried to understand entanglement - but I gave up. But I'm the man who turns this failure into mysticism

@Thibaud70 Your not understanding entanglement was not your failure.

Walter Isaacson’s biography tells of Einstein’s early rebellion, which may explain his saying nothing is faster than light when gravity is orders of magnitude faster.

Consider, our Sun’s light reaches Earth in just over eight minutes. If gravity’s force requires the same time to reach Earth, would Earth in billions of years still be orbiting the Sun? Would our Solar System’s far more distant planets also still be orbiting the Sun?


Science requires evidence, and belief without evidence is either religion or science fiction.

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