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LINK Kentucky governor vetoes sweeping GOP transgender measure -- AP News

FRANKFORT, Ky. ✈ — Kentucky’s Democratic governor issued an election-year veto Friday of a Republican bill aimed at regulating the lives of transgender youths that includes banning access to gender-affirming health care and restricting the bathrooms they can use.

The bill also bans discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools and allows teachers to refuse to refer to transgender students by the pronouns they use. It easily passed the GOP-led legislature with veto-proof margins, and lawmakers will reconvene next week for the final two days of this year’s session, when they could vote to override the veto.

Gov. Andy Beshear said in a written veto message that the bill allows “too much government interference in personal healthcare issues and rips away the freedom of parents to make medial decisions for their children.”

In his message, he warned that the bill’s repercussions would include an increase in youth suicides. The governor said, “My faith teaches me that all children are children of God and Senate Bill 150 will endanger the children of Kentucky.”

Beshear’s veto comes as he seeks reelection to a second term this year in Republican-trending Kentucky, and his veto could reverberate through the November election.

snytiger6 9 Mar 24

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Good for the Kentucky governor for doing the right and hopefully the veto won't be overridden.

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