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Am I correct that just allowing one's curser to wander over to the right of a post, so that someone's image promptly blocks part of the post one is trying to read, constitutes a hover over that person? I cannot imagine why many of the people, who reportedly hovered over my image , actually had any interest in knowing about me.

rogerbenham 8 Mar 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I tend to agree and think that we all inadvertently from time to time let the cursor hover over someone's image.


Yes that does happen. Even worse blocks of annoying text, which are hard to get rid of sometimes pop up. It always has been like that on this site, you have to be really careful where you park your mouse. It may not be a problem on a mobile, but there are a lot of ways in which the site, which is almost certainly designed for use on a PC, does not work well on a phone, most of the complaints about difficulties using it seem to come from phone users, and never happen to me on a PC.

Thanks. I use my mobile for Facebook chats but otherwise entirely and only as a phone, which mostly stays on my desk a yard from my land line. I have few desires to carry my phone around. Mostly I use my phone for texting. My land line handles computer calls. I deep breathe into that phone. A caller will say hello; a computer does not register deep breathing so rings off.

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