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From Steve Kirsch Looking for answers
Is there any member of the medical community who is willing to explain to me how we got it wrong on the COVID vaccine?
Ideally, I'm looking for a faculty member at a US university, ideally in infectious disease or epidemiology, to answer the questions I have. I'm willing to pay any reasonable hourly rate for your time to do this.

If you are a public health authority who has been recommending the vaccine (i.e., everyone except Joe Ladapo), you can respond as well.

Or if you are a qualified expert who has publicly stated that COVID misinformation is a problem such as Ontario’s Nancy Whitmore (or any member of the College), you can respond as well.

Or if you are a “fact checker” for mainstream media, you qualify.

And, just to be totally inclusive, if you have an h-index of 30 or more and you can answer my questions, you qualify as well.

I don’t want to spread misinformation, but the authorities will not spend any time to show me how we (myself and my colleagues) got it wrong.

I realize that these experts are very busy and their time is valuable, so I’m willing to compensate them for the time they spend answering my questions.

They can name any reasonable price they want to charge and I will gladly pay it.

This is not a bet. You get the money based on the amount of time you spend on this at the hourly rate you have requested.


BDair 8 Apr 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I just offered Peter Marks $100,000 to take off his mask and answer our questions about vaccine safety
The last time I offered someone $100K to take off their mask, I was called a "creep" and it got worldwide attention and 32M views. Will I get the same level of attention on this offer? I doubt it.

If Peter Marks wants to stop the misinformation and reduce vaccine hesitancy, censorship will not work. Censorship will never work. Censorship is not how we resolve disputes in America.

I’m offering Peter Marks $100,000 to have a dialog with me and my colleagues. My offer shows we are serious.

Sadly, he’ll never accept. He clearly believes that censorship is the only way to resolve our differences even though it has not worked at all. Isn’t that the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

That’s why the misinformation will never end.


BDair Level 8 Apr 13, 2023

You could easily find one, but you wouldn't listen to him/her anyway as you mind has been willfully filled with nonsense instead.
and look, everybody, yet another thread where BD gives all the answers as well as posts the question....too funny if it was not so pathetic.........

Do you have someone that can answer the questions?

The excess deaths in VAERS: if these are just “background” deaths, why are they ONLY being reported only for the COVID vaccine and no other vaccine in the 30 year history of VAERS? And why can’t we find evidence of over-reporting? And why isn’t the CDC sharing their investigations on these deaths as required by law? Is there a benefit to keeping this secret? And why are the death causes in VAERS NOT consistent with normal background death causes??? For example, kids in VAERS have much higher rates of heart damage (and bleeding in the brain) than normal. What is causing the heart damage?

Why in Ontario, did the death rates from COVID go up by 39% in the year after the vaccines rolled out? Wasn’t the vaccine supposed to reduce the numbers of deaths?

The Cleveland Clinic study clearly showed the more you vax, the more likely you are to get COVID. A friend of mine said correlation isn’t causation. OK, but every one of the Bradford Hill criteria is satisfied and the dose-response curve is extraordinary. So by every measure, we have causality. Explain how we got it wrong and explain the true cause of what they observed in that study.


The financial empires pyramids have an unlimited infinite amount of supplied money to keep the great vast majority of people vastly ingnorant. They don't want any studying or reporting or shinning the light of the most criminal blunder ever in human history ever changing agendas more for themselves. There is an incredible high number of sudden deaths unexplain happening worldwide. This will come out in the wash, wail Wimsey is like a freight train who can't make a quick right hand turn, will miss it all together.

@Castlepaloma Ms. Wimsey, like many others here,
is completely indoctrinated with the Vaccine Apologist Dogma.
No matter how much information is presented that disproves
her core beliefs, she steadfastly clings to them.

@BDair wait! ACTUAL information i would listen to, yes indeed....your credulous nothings don't qualify, sorry

Maybe one day, you will offer some salient information
or anything with any substance, rather than just bleating
out your completely unsupported opinions.
Can you offer any reason why excess mortality increased dramatically
in heavily vaccinated areas, closely following the rollout of jabs
and boosters? I have shown you the data.


Crickets -

BDair Level 8 Apr 12, 2023

Commentary - Doyle Hargraves

'As a former pharma rep(25+ yrs), I tried to have these conversations. Some came off as condescending. They are much more educated than me. I would tell them, “I may not be a doctor but I can read.” I would ask them questions that I already knew the answers to. Specifically I would quote them what was on the CDC website. Which they had not looked at. A lot of times the data on the website contradicted the narrative. Which they were getting from the state health department or the CDC. I backed a general surgeon into a corner. He finally threw his hands up and said, “we don’t know.” Why didn’t he just say that in the beginning? They hate it when someone knows more than they do.

I was asked to leave one clinic because I dared to show him the contradicting data from the CDC. He simply didn’t want to see it and mess with his mindset. He said he was following the protocol and his patients were dying. His words not mine. Meanwhile, the APN next door was using the hydro and ivermectin protocol and keeping her patients out of the hospital. He chastised her for doing that because “they told them not to do that.”

You won’t get any takers because they are wrong and they know it, but cannot admit it. And if their peers find out, they will have some explaining to do or possibly lose their job or privileges. Most of them don’t have the information to debate you intelligently. So no takers.'

' am so glad to be out of that business.'

BDair Level 8 Apr 12, 2023

Ivan Iriarte -
'Hi Steve. Unfortunately, I do not satisfy your "criteria for eligibility" to answer your questions. I am a health professional; a medical doctor who dedicated my career to education in the field of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine in a Health Sciences University (School of Medicine and Public Health). But I do not satisfy your requirement of "recommending the vaccine". In 2022, I received an "administrative discharge" from my job of 34 years for not taking the covid "vaccine". I could not answer any of your questions in a way that would prove that you are spreading misinformation. Anyone can see that these "vaccines" do not work and have caused unmeasurable harms. And, I don't want to get started talking about all the other disgraces of the "covid response". I don't think you will find anyone on "the other side of the fence", who will be able to answer your questions.'

Denise Moutenay -
'We got it wrong, because first those PCR tests inflated and highly exaggerated cases of covid as studies found a 56 to 95% false positive rates! 2. The mainstream media and government health staff kept showcases exaggerated numbers of cases and deaths, putting FEAR and anxiety into people. 3. We were lied to by media and healthcare staff and are still being lied to as they continue the mantra that these vaxxines are "safe and effective". 4. Truth is thousands have DIED after taking these experimental injections, and thousands more, are suffering serious adverse reactions from them. 5. We got it wrong because there was no INFORMED CONSENT! 6. People were coerced and threatened that if they did not take these injections they would LOSE their jobs, their careers and their livelihoods!! 7. We got it wrong because the GOOD DOCTORS, the GOOD SCIENTISTS and the GOOD HEALTHCARE workers were severely CENSORED and silenced or they too would LOSE their jobs if they shared their CONCERNS or shared the STUDIES and INFORMATION they had regarding the Harm and Deaths their patients were suffering. 8. People got it wrong because they trusted and accepted as gospel whatever the politicians or health staff workers told them. 9. We got it wrong because we did not know about all of the corruption, and the huge conflicts of interests those promoting the jabs have with BIG pharmaceutical companies like Bill Gates, Fauci, Truduea etc... 10. People got it wrong because satan deceived billions of people through their lies and propaganda media campaigns. Not so easy next time.'

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