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Sanity is slowly returning.

Penn lifts COVID-19 vaccine requirement, removing one of final remaining pandemic policies

Penn has lifted its COVID-19 vaccination requirement for students, faculty, and staff.

The change, announced by Wellness at Penn on April 13, ends a policy that has been in place since the beginning of the 2021-22 school year. The decision marks the removal of one of the University’s final remaining COVID-19-related policies for students. Prior to the 2022-23 academic year, the University lifted mandatory COVID-19 testing, ended PennOpen Pass, and gave professors the option to mandate masking in their classes.


BDair 8 Apr 14

Enjoy being online again!

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They have no choice. Biden ended federal support.

They could have chosen to end the vax mandate
more than a year ago, when it was clear that jabs
did not prevent infection or spread so they could
not contribute to herd immunity and it made no sense
to mandate them.

@BDair That's your opinion but I live here and I know if they were still getting subsidized they would not have ended their policy.


Immunity system is making a come back, yet it never left.

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