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Lesbian worker, fired at Trans clinic for questioning her patience use of children's drugs and surgery for children. This story feels like Hansel & Gretel and the witch hunt rolled up into political and medical gender industry. Can't imagine this child abuse castration lasting much longer.

Castlepaloma 8 Apr 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Transgender people require lifelong medical support, making them ideal customers for the health care industry, and the well-documented phenomenon of "peer contagion" -- kids pressuring each other into thinking they're all trans -- ensures an endless supply of consumers.


I look at each person as an individual and an biological organism first. What ever a person chooses to be, like a gender, I respect that. Kids are stupid because they have a great lack of experiences and balance in life to make phycial alterations permanent decisions. A transgender is a symptom, not a disease like alcoholic or cancer. A human is made up of many categories yet if one over focus on one categorie, it can be very limited for a person whole well being. It's why I don't support never ending us against them or centroism and perfer observation and peaceful sharing.

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