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LINK Group intelligence - how people behave en masse | DW Documentary - YouTube

Even the collection of water droplets could be considered a swarm when they flow in unison.

rainmanjr 8 Apr 16

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If we leave aside the inanimate things (rivers, sun, etc.), the rest is based on selfishness: trees produce fruits to reproduce; plants have fragrant flowers to attract insects (to also reproduce) and so on....
If you look closely and zoom in on nature, you will find selfish genes.

Yes and I often make sense of human nonsense based on the instinctual aspects. I think men and women are still ruled by their basic survival and reproductive roles/demands but women hate being told that. It doesn't seem to bother men but we tend to laugh about bodily functions. It might be a psychological aspect of believing humans are a higher species, so above mere instinctual concerns, but I think our gender similarities indicate something more basic at work.


"Nothing in Nature lives for itself" reads much like "No swan is black." (grin)

It does but with truer nature. This is the kind of shit koans are made of. LOL.


Humans who are stupid don't get noticed in a crowd.

Joe, I'd notice you anywhere. (a "You asked for it" grin)

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