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Those who seek to obliterate their historical heritage simply cut off their noses to spite their faces.

All references to Russians & Russia obliterated from the names used for Ukrainian streets & places.
Orwell gets street in Kiev []

FrayedBear 9 May 18

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I see your study of alternate history is progressing very well. When you complete your studies I assume you are awarded a B.S. (Bull Shit) degree.

Very droll Alien. Try taking your reality pill for today.

@FrayedBear Not "droll, actually very correct.


So do you oppose changing all the British names in India. Ukraine was treat worse than a colony by first the Czarist Russians, then the Soviets, then the Russians. You support colonizing free peoples and when they try to throw off the yoke of slavery, they are being disloyal to their history?

Lol. Glenn have you looked at some of the ridiculous names being used yo obliterate reality. You sound like one of the happy slappy godbotherers with their let's pretend that it didn't happen. It happened thing the names & monuments should be retained to remind everyone of what occurred. Such namings are not celebratory of inhumanity but as stark a reminder as the preservation of places like the Auschwitz extermination & experimentation camp.


You mean Soviet historical heritage. It's like taking down confederate statues and renaming military bases from confederate generals. Same with Nazi symbols being banned in Germany. Is that obliterating their historical heritage as well?

History of the Ukraine and Russia is more than the soviet period. When there will be no elections in Ukraine, these changes are a long way from democratic. They have also burnt Russian books, ban speaking Russian and listening to Russian music.
So they rename a street, a new name based in current fads. In time someone will come along, those names will not resonate their new enlightened ideology and the names will be changed again.

*@puff , Joe & all the knuckle shufflers still clinging to delusions of racial, religious & national superiority - I think that this equally covers the situation😘

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.


Even Niemöller shows his prejudice against the mentally ill, the homosexuals, the Russians, the Sinti & Rom by not including them.

@FrayedBear Do you recall that part of history that recounts how many Russians were killed by Stalin's "camps"?

Stalin made Hitler look like a humanitarian.

@FrayedBear, Religious? Nationalist? You are the only knuckle dragger. Zero-sum: America is bad, Russia is good. Russia invades sovereign Ukraine because Putin is trying to revert back to USSR borders. America does the right thing and supports Ukraine. Putin calls Zalensky a Nazi. You swallow it hook, line and sinker. Genocide be damned.

@Alienbeing As brutal as Josef Stalin was, Adolf Hitler made him look like he was the humanitarian. You got that very wrong. What a stupid statement!

@barjoe hence why Hitler's fascism is revered in Ukraine?
Hitler was also a Russophobe []

@FrayedBear I didn't think you were that stupid []

@barjoe It was a VALID comparison as respects the number of people murdered because of each person's policies. I did not even infer Hitler was a good guy, just less effective at killing than Stalin.


That's great and I don't blame them AT ALL! Anyone who knows anything about how Ukraine was treated by Russia, at least since 1917 and probably long before that, can hardly fault them for wanting to separate themselves as completely as possible.from the country of Lenin and especially Stalin..
And anyone who defends that immoral and disgraceful past ought to take a good, long look at themselves.

Why are you needing to cling to absurd notions of racial, ethnic, religious or national superiority in order to assuage your feelings of inadequacy or hurt over historical related wrongdoings? The latter probably propaganda emanating from wrongdoers just as is the case of America & its instigation of the US proxy war against Russia to leverage economic gain & continuation of its world hegemony.

@FrayedBear You sound exactly like someone denying the Holocaust or the Armenian genocide.
Russia invaded to keep a military buffer zone between them and NATO, AND to deny Ukraine the rights to huge natural gas deposits found in the eastern part of the country and in the Black Sea. These deposits would've allowed Ukraine to compete with Russia for the huge European market. Since Russia needs that market to survive financially, that's hardly an existential threat. AND, Russia needs the Crimea to have access to the Mediterranean Sea.
So Russia has cold-blooded reasons for the invasion, and cares not at all about the Ukrainian people. They never have cared.

@FrayedBear How the fuck is he clinging to notions of racial superiority? Did your mom drop you on your head when you were little?

@barjoe ah, projecting your own experience Joe?

@barjoe, @Storm1752 Russia & oil theft - that is the most fantastic hypocrisy coming as it does from a USA citizen who has benefited from the oil stolen by American companies around the world.



@FrayedBear So your mom dropping you on your head was a rhetorical question. The first one wasn't. You didn't answer either.

@barjoe, @Storm1752 the holocaust & Armenian genocides are almost paling into insignificance given this report of US behaviour

@FrayedBear Stop doing it you prick. Go crawl under a kangaroo.

@barjoe oh dear have I upset your delusion Joe? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Sounds like you are wanting to shoot the messenger . . .again! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@FrayedBear You can say what you want. Don't tag me with other people.

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